Below you can find a list of the most frequently asked questions:
- What is YamCode all about? - Just like online Sublime Text, Yam Code allows you to store anything from texts, notes to the codes you have been dedicated to. But wait! There's more, you can share those with everybody in the blink of an eye! Yam Code is FREE, and will always be.
- Who can see my pastes? - If you create a public paste, your paste will show up for everybody. You can also create unlisted pastes, these items will be invisible for others unless you share your paste link. If you are a member of YamCode you can also create private pastes. These items can only be viewed by you when you are logged in and are therefore password protected. Search engines will only index public pastes.
More about Yame Code :
- Max file size: 32kb (can be increment to 50kb on the future).
- All paste is storage forever and doesn't have expired time.
(update 02/22/2022: the database of yamcode.com over 3GB and increment everyday, I was buy powerful VPS to adapt but database too larger, my site seem slower, many user report the speed of yamcode.com. So, I must delete the paste have content over 100KB to reduce the time to loading faster). - All data of the user is private. Do not use for any purpose.
- Support over 150 syntax language.
- When you a member, you can manage all paste like edit, share or delete.
Let try it again. Happy coding!!!