The buying and selling of gold is the market that a lot of people turn to in times when the economy is uncertain. Since gold prices tend to be a bit more stable it is usually considered a safe place to invest your money. If you would like more information about investing in the gold market then continue on for some excellent tips. The price of gold changes often, so you need to know the value of your gold before attempting to sell it. If you are selling gold, sort it by karat so that it can be valued separately. Remember that jewelry will sell at its melt value, not the price the jeweler wants for it. Look for a gold buyer that has a good reputation. Look for online reviews and check the BBB website for complaints and resolutions. You have a better chance of getting the highest possible price for your gold when you obtain bids from a number of different gold buyers. Do your research and know what the latest gold price is before you sell your jewelry. This can help you discern whether you're being offered a good price or not. While dealers often give you market value, some are used to sellers wanting quick cash. If you're interested in buying gold from a dealer, make sure he is reputable. Avoid doing business with anyone who doesn't have at least 10 years of experience in the business, because that's one of the most important prerequisites to have. Someone who has been around for a decade is likely to be trustworthy and knowledgeable enough to make you money. Understanding how gold is weighed can ensure that you don't get ripped off when selling your gold to a dealer. Gold can be weighed in Troy ounces, pennyweight, or grams. The most important thing is to make sure that whatever system the buyer is using to weigh your gold is the same one they're calculating the payment with. If you own gold or plan on buying some anytime soon, be sure to also invest in a good safe, unless you're going to