Background With approximately one pathologist for one million people compared to ratios of approximately 1 to 25 000 in the United States and United Kingdom, there is a severe shortage of pathologists in much of Africa. The situation is particularly severe in Zambia, where, in 2009, the ratio was 1 to 1.4 million. Objective To address this, a postgraduate Master of Medicine (MMed) training programme was launched in Lusaka in 2011. Methods The process and most significant challenges and lessons learned were documented, as they may be of value to other countries facing similar challenges. Results Since 2011, four Zambian pathologists have graduated, doubling the number of indigenous pathologists in the country. Currently 10 students are in training. The most significant problem was issues arising from the split responsibilities of the Ministries of Health and of Education and the most important lesson learned was the crucial need for broad local ownership and commitment. Conclusion Successfully addressing the shortage of local pathologists by creating country-specific, postgraduate MMed training programmes, even in situations of restricted resources, is feasible. However, having access to and support from the shared resources, expertise and knowledge of a regional College of Pathologists would be a major advantage.Background The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has posed unique challenges in healthcare. In obstetrics, there is little information available to guide practice. As new data emerge, the spectrum of initial presenting symptoms has expanded from fever, cough, and dyspnea to gastrointestinal and other symptoms in both pregnant and non-pregnant patients. Case A 36-year-old woman, G4P2, at 33 weeks of gestation presented very early in the COVID-19 course with four days of cough and fever, without recent travel or known exposure. She appeared well, with stable vital signs, and was sent home to self-quarantin