Many people forget about investing in gold because they think they have to buy expensive gold bars. While this is an option, there is much more to investing in gold that just buying it raw. Keep in mind the tips you're about to read so that you can work towards adding gold to your portfolio. Make sure the dealer you are considering is licensed. Make sure, too, that the dealer is active in reputable organizations within the industry. This is a business with a lot of sharks in it, so the more things that prove the legitimacy of the operation, the better it is for you. Be aware of any fees that are attached to the transaction of buying gold. Online purchases come with several types of fees. You may suffer from a markup of as much as ten percent from the dealer. Read all of the fine print to learn about any and all fees that are related to the purchase If you're interested in buying gold from a dealer, make sure he is reputable. Avoid doing business with anyone who doesn't have at least 10 years of experience in the business, because that's one of the most important prerequisites to have. Someone who has been around for a decade is likely to be trustworthy and knowledgeable enough to make you money. Before selling any of your gold, check to see what the current sales price is. This will help ensure that you are getting the amount of money you deserve. There are many reputable sites available online that will help you on coming up with a fair price for your gold. If you own gold or plan on buying some anytime soon, be sure to also invest in a good safe, unless you're going to store it in the bank. Many financial institutions don't insure their safe deposit boxes, so people tend to harbor gold at home. Get a solid safe, home security system and have the gold insured, for the safest keeping. If you're buying gold pieces for investment reasons, stay away from proof coins. These coins are polished and mounted, and they can sometimes be worth more than regular coins. The prob