Similarly, A. tumefaciens VirB2 peptide pretreatment reduced transient T-DNA expression in wild-type seedlings to a greater extent than in RTNLB4 O/E transgenic seedlings. Furthermore, the VirB2 peptides induced FRK1, WRKY22, and WRKY29 gene expression in wild-type seedlings but not efr-1 and bak1 mutants. The induced defense-related gene expression was lower in RTNLB4 O/E transgenic plants than wild-type seedlings after VirB2 peptide treatment. These data suggest that RTNLB4 may participate in elf18 and VirB2 peptide-induced defense responses and may therefore affect the A. tumefaciens infection process.Traditional instrumented seat posts determine context-induced seat loads to analyze damping properties. This paper presents an enhanced instrumented seat post able to measure all six load components to resolve user-induced seat loads. User-induced cycling loads consist of all loads the user applies to the bicycle during cycling and is measured at the steer stem, the seat post, and the pedals. Seat loads are essentially uncharted territory, as most studies only address pedal loading to study cycling technique. In this paper, a conventional seat post is redesigned by equipping it with a u-shaped component and strain gauges. The instrumented seat post is straightforward thanks to (i) the simple design, (ii) the gravitational calibration method, and (iii) the permitted clearance on the strain gauge alignment. Analyzing mean seat loading in function of the pedal cycle can provide extra insights into cycling technique and the related injuries. It is an interesting addition to the universally adopted method of utilizing singular pedal loads.Chronic lung diseases pose a tremendous global burden. At least one in four people suffer from severe pulmonary sequelae over the course of a lifetime. Despite substantial improvements in therapeutic interventions, persistent alleviation of clinical symptoms cannot be offered to most patients affected to date. Despite broad discrepancies in origins and pathomechanisms, the important disease entities all have in common the pulmonary inflammatory response which is central to lung injury and structural abnormalities. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) attract particular attention due to their broadly acting anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Plenty of preclinical studies provided congruent and convincing evidence that MSC have the therapeutic potential to alleviate lung injuries across ages. These include the disease entities bronchopulmonary dysplasia, asthma and the different forms of acute lung injury and chronic pulmonary diseases in adulthood. While clinical trials are so far restricted to pioneering trials on safety and feasibility, preclinical results point out possibilities to boost the therapeutic efficacy of MSC application and to take advantage of the MSC secretome. The presented review summarizes the most recent advances and highlights joint mechanisms of MSC action across disease entities which provide the basis to timely tackle this global disease burden.Neurological disorders, including minimally conscious state (MCS), may be associated with the presence of high concentrations of reactive oxygen species within the central nervous system. Regarding the documented role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in oxidative stress neutralization, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of bone marrow-derived MSC (BM-MSC) transplantation on selected markers of oxidative stress in MCS patients. Antioxidant capacity was measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma collected from nine patients aged between 19 and 45 years, remaining in MCS for 3 to 14 months. Total antioxidant capacity, ascorbic acid and ascorbate concentrations, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase activity were analyzed and the presence of tested antioxidants in the CSF and plasma was confirmed. Higher ascorbic acid (AA) content and catalase (CAT) activity were noted in CSF relative to plasma, whereas superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and total antioxidant capacity were higher in plasma relative to CSF. Total antioxidant capacity measured in CSF was greater after BM-MSC transplantations. The content of ascorbates was lower and CAT activity was higher both in CSF and plasma after the administration of BM-MSC. The above results suggest that MSCs modulate oxidative stress intensity in MCS patients, mainly via ascorbates and CAT activity.Breast density, also known as mammographic density, refers to white and bright regions on a mammogram. Breast density can only be assessed by mammogram and is not related to how breasts look or feel. Therefore, women will only know their breast density if they are notified by the radiologist when they have a mammogram. Breast density affects a woman's breast cancer risk and the sensitivity of a screening mammogram to detect cancer. Currently, the position of BreastScreen Australia and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists is to not notify women if they have dense breasts. However, patient advocacy organisations are lobbying for policy change. Whether or not to notify women of their breast density is a complex issue and can be framed within the context of both public health ethics and clinical ethics. Central ethical themes associated with breast density notification are equitable care, patient autonomy in decision-making, trust in health professionals, duty of care by the physician, and uncertainties around evidence relating to measurement and clinical management pathways for women with dense breasts. Legal guidance on this issue must be gained from broad legal principles found in the law of negligence and the test of materiality. We conclude a rigid legal framework for breast density notification in Australia would not be appropriate. Instead, a policy framework should be developed through engagement with all stakeholders to understand and take account of multiple perspectives and the values at stake.The capacity of photoautotrophs to fix carbon depends on the efficiency of the conversion of light energy into chemical potential by photosynthesis. In nature, light input into photosynthesis can change very rapidly and dramatically. To analyze how genetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana affects photosynthesis and growth under dynamic light conditions, 36 randomly chosen natural accessions were grown under uniform and fluctuating light intensities. After 14 days of growth under uniform or fluctuating light regimes, maximum photosystem II quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) was determined, photosystem II operating efficiency (ΦPSII) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) were measured in low light, and projected leaf area (PLA) as well as the number of visible leaves were estimated. Our data show that ΦPSII and PLA were decreased and NPQ was increased, while Fv/Fm and number of visible leaves were unaffected, in most accessions grown under fluctuating compared to uniform light. There were large changes between accessions for most of these parameters, which, however, were not correlated with genomic variation.