Research into both receptivity to falling for bullshit and the propensity to produce it have recently emerged as active, independent areas of inquiry into the spread of misleading information. However, it remains unclear whether those who frequently produce bullshit are inoculated from its influence. For example, both bullshit receptivity and bullshitting frequency are negatively related to cognitive ability and aspects of analytic thinking style, suggesting that those who frequently engage in bullshitting may be more likely to fall for bullshit. However, separate research suggests that individuals who frequently engage in deception are better at detecting it, thus leading to the possibility that frequent bullshitters may be less likely to fall for bullshit. Here, we present three studies (N = 826) attempting to distinguish between these competing hypotheses, finding that frequency of persuasive bullshitting (i.e., bullshitting intended to impress or persuade others) positively predicts susceptibility to various types of misleading information and that this association is robust to individual differences in cognitive ability and analytic cognitive style.Impaired carbon metabolism and reproductive development constrain crop productivity during heat stress. Reproductive development is energy intensive, and its requirement for respiratory substrates rises as associated metabolism increases with temperature. Understanding how these processes are integrated and the extent to which they contribute to the maintenance of yield during and following periods of elevated temperatures is important for developing climate-resilient crops. Recent studies are beginning to demonstrate links between processes underlying carbon dynamics and reproduction during heat stress, consequently a summation of research that has been reported thus far and an evaluation of purported associations are needed to guide and stimulate future research. To