Fb-thyroid cell co-cultures induced the secretion of proMMP9 and proMMP2, and led to a significant MMP2 activation in CMs. Fb, thyroid cells and Fb-thyroid cell co-cultures released EVs, and remarkably, EVs released by Fb-thyroid tumor cell co-cultures induced the secretion of proMMP2 and the expression of MMP2 from normal Fb. A significant CD147 expression was demonstrated in Fb-thyroid tumor cell derived EVs. These findings reveal the role of Fb and thyroid tumor cell-Fb interaction in the promotion of a microenvironment suitable for thyroid tumor progression. Moreover, they highlight for the first time the role of thyroid tumor cell-Fb interaction in the production of specialized EVs.Conventional thoracic 4DCBCT scans take 1,320 projections over 4 minutes. This paper investigates which reconstruction algorithms best leverage Respiratory-Motion-Guided (RMG) acquisition in order to reduce scan time and dose while maintaining image quality. We investigated a 200 projection, on average 1-minute RMG acquisition. RMG acquisition ensures even angular separation between projections at each respiratory phase by adjusting the imaging gantry rotation to the patient respiratory signal in real time. Conventional 1,320 projection data and RMG 200 projection data were simulated from 4DCT volumes of 14 patients. Each patient had an initial 4DCT reconstruction, treated as a planning 4DCT, and a 4DCT reconstruction acquired later, used for 4DCBCT data simulation and evaluation. Reconstructions were computed using the Feldkamp-David-Kress (FDK), McKinnon-Bates (MKB), RecOnstructiOn using Spatial and TEmporal Regularization (ROOSTER), and Motion Compensated FDK (MCFDK) algorithms. We also introduced and evaluated a novel MCMKB algorithm. Image quality was evaluated with Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE), Structural SIMilarity index (SSIM) and Tissue Interface Sharpness (TIS). Rigid registration of the tumor volume regions between the r