We investigated locking behaviors of coupled limit-cycle oscillators with phase and amplitude dynamics. We focused on how the dynamics are affected by inhomogeneous coupling strength and by angular and radial shifts in coupling functions. We performed mean-field analyses of oscillator systems with inhomogeneous coupling strength, testing Gaussian, power-law, and brain-like degree distributions. Even for oscillators with identical intrinsic frequencies and intrinsic amplitudes, we found that the coupling strength distribution and the coupling function generated a wide repertoire of phase and amplitude dynamics. These included fully and partially locked states in which high-degree or low-degree nodes would phase-lead the network. The mean-field analytical findings were confirmed via numerical simulations. The results suggest that, in oscillator systems in which individual nodes can independently vary their amplitude over time, qualitatively different dynamics can be produced via shifts in the coupling strength distribution and the coupling form. Of particular relevance to information flows in oscillator networks, changes in the non-specific drive to individual nodes can make high-degree nodes phase-lag or phase-lead the rest of the network.We perform simulations of structural balance evolution on a triangular lattice using the heat-bath algorithm. In contrast to similar approaches-but applied to the analysis of complete graphs-the triangular lattice topology successfully prevents the occurrence of even partial Heider balance. Starting with the state of Heider's paradise, it is just a matter of time when the evolution of the system leads to an unbalanced and disordered state. The time of the system relaxation does not depend on the system size. The lack of any signs of a balanced state was not observed in earlier investigated systems dealing with the structural balance.The generalized four-dimensional Rössler system is s