The nanoscale ion ordering of ionic liquids at confined interfaces under high pressures was investigated in this study. 1-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([HMIM][NTf2])/poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVdF-co-HFP) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([EMIM][NTf2])/PVdF-co-HFP were prepared and characterized by using high-pressure infrared spectroscopy. Under ambient pressure, imidazolium C2-H and C4,5-H absorptions were blue-shifted in frequency due to the presence of PVdF-co-HFP. However, the absorption of anionic νa SO2 did not reveal any significant shifts in frequency upon dilution by PVdF-co-HFP. The experimental results suggest that PVdF-co-HFP disturbs the local structures of the imidazolium C-H groups instead of the anionic SO2 groups. The frequency shifts of C4,5-H became dramatic for the mixtures at high pressures. These results suggest that pressure-enhanced ionic liquid-polymer interactions may play an appreciable role in IL-PVdF-co-HFP systems under high pressures. The pressure-induced blue-shifts due to the PVdF-co-HFP additions were more obvious for the [HMIM][NTf2] mixtures than for [EMIM][NTf2] mixtures.Significant seismicity anomalies preceded the 25 October 2018 mainshock (Mw = 6.8), NW Hellenic Arc a transient intermediate-term (~2 yrs) swarm and a short-term (last 6 months) cluster with typical time-size-space foreshock patterns activity increase, b-value drop, foreshocks move towards mainshock epicenter. The anomalies were identified with both a standard earthquake catalogue and a catalogue relocated with the Non-Linear Location (NLLoc) algorithm. Teleseismic P-waveforms inversion showed oblique-slip rupture with strike 10°, dip 24°, length ~70 km, faulting depth ~24 km, velocity 3.2 km/s, duration 18 s, slip 1.8 m within the asperity, seismic moment 2.0 × 1026 dyne*cm. The two largest imminent foreshocks (Mw = 4.1, Mw = 4.8) occurred very close to the mainshock hypocenter. The asperity bounded up-dip by the foreshocks area and at the north by the foreshocks/swarm area. The accelerated foreshocks very likely promoted slip accumulation contributing to unlocking the asperity and breaking with the mainshock. The rupture initially propagated northwards, but after 6 s stopped at the north bound and turned southwards. Most early aftershocks concentrated in the foreshocks/swarm area. This distribution was controlled not only by stress transfer from the mainshock but also by pre-existing stress. In the frame of a program for regular monitoring and near real-time identification of seismicity anomalies, foreshock patterns would be detectable at least three months prior the mainshock, thus demonstrating the significant predictive value of foreshocks.Polyomaviruses are a family of small, non-enveloped DNA viruses that can cause severe disease in immunosuppressed individuals. Studies with SV40, a well-studied model polyomavirus, have revealed the role of host proteins in polyomavirus entry and trafficking to the nucleus, in viral transcription and DNA replication, and in cell transformation. In contrast, little is known about host factors or cellular signaling pathways involved in the late steps of productive infection leading to release of progeny polyomaviruses. We previously showed that cytoplasmic vacuolization, a characteristic late cytopathic effect of SV40 infection, depends on the specific interaction between the major viral capsid protein VP1 and its cell surface ganglioside receptor GM1. Here, we show that, late during infection, SV40 activates a signaling cascade in permissive monkey CV-1 cells involving Ras, Rac1, MKK4, and JNK to stimulate SV40-specific cytoplasmic vacuolization and subsequent cell lysis and virus release. Inhibition of individual components of this signaling pathway inhibits vacuolization, lysis, and virus release, even though high-level intracellular virus replication occurs. Identification of this pathway for SV40-induced vacuolization and virus release provides new insights into the late steps of non-enveloped virus infection.This study investigated the hardening process of alkali-activated material (AAM) mortar using calcium sulfoalumiante (CSA) expansive additive (CSA EA), which accelerates the initial reactivity of AAMs, and subsequent changes in ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). After the AAM mortar was mixed with three different contents of CSA EA, the setting and modulus of elasticity of the mortar at one day of age, which represent curing steps, were measured. In addition, UPV was used to analyze each curing step. The initial and final setting times of the AAM mortar could be predicted by analyzing the UPV results measured for 14 h. In addition, the dynamic modulus of elasticity calculated using the UPV results for 24 h showed a tendency similar to that of the static modulus of elasticity. The test results showed that the use of CSA EA accelerated the setting of the AAM mortar and increased the modulus of elasticity, and these results could be inferred using UPV. The proposed measurement method can be effective in evaluating the properties of a material that accelerates the initial reactivity.The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) behavior in the hot working of TB8 titanium alloy was studied by using the experiment and finite element simulation (FEM) method. The results showed that the DRX behavior of TB8 titanium alloys was drastically affected by the hot processing parameters. The rising deformation temperature and reducing strain rate led to an augmentation in the grain size (dDRX) and volume fraction (XDRX) of DRX grains. In view of the true stress-strain curves gained from the experiment, the dDRX and XDRX models of DRX grains were constructed. Based on the developed models for DRX of TB8 titanium alloy, the isothermal forging process of the cylindrical samples was simulated by the DEFORM-3D software. The distributions of the effective strain and XDRX for DRX were analyzed. A comparison of the dDRX and XDRX of DRX grains in the central regions of the samples between the experimental and FEM results was performed. A good correlation between the experimental and simulation results was obtained, indicating that the established FEM model presented good prediction capabilities.