195 (35.3%) of patients had at least one episode of severe graft-versus-host-disease (GvHD). A center effect was observed, and underlying disease, donor type, cytomegalovirus serological constellation and GvHD were also associated with the incidence rate of infections. There was an increased risk for one-year non-relapse mortality associated with all pathogens, specifically within two months of infection, and this remained true beyond 2 months of a fungal infection. CONCLUSION Despite advances to limit infections in this population, they still occur in most allo-HCT patients with a major impact on survival at one year. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Respiratory failure in COVID-19 is a common feature in fatal cases and has been considered as a failure of the immune system to control the virus. Here we report the case of COVID-19 affecting an immunocompromised women and her presumably immunocompetent spouse. A married couple (age 60 years) was simultaneously admitted to the emergency department on 10 March 2020 because of dyspnoea and fever, consistent with COVID-19. The wife (patient 1) was partially immunocompromised as a consequence of a recently started chemotherapy with fulvestrant and abemaciclid for recurring breast cancer, her husband (patient 2) had been healthy except for a history of controlled arterial hypertension. Both patients were treated with darunavir/cobicistat and hydroxychloroquine. The clinical course of the immunocompromised partner was benign, without need of intensive care. She was able to leave the hospital on day 6 after admission. In contrast, her husband needed intensive care and his recovery was slow, although eventually successful too. These findings suggest that the course of COVID-19 is not necessarily ominous in the presence of a compromised immune response and tend to reinforce the emerging therapeutic concepts of a controlled mitigation of the immune cascade following SARS CoV-2 infection.There are significant barriers to the development of a 'balanced model' of mental health in low-income countries. These include gaps in the evidence base on effective responses to severe mental health issues and what works in the transition from hospital to home, and a low public investment in primary and community care. These limitations were the drivers for the formation of the non-government organization, YouBelong Uganda (YBU), which works to contribute to the implementation of a community-based model of mental health care in Uganda. This paper overviews an intervention protocol developed by YBU, which is a combined model of parallel engagement with the national mental hospital in Kampala, Uganda, movement of 'ready for discharge' patients back to their families and communities, and community development. The YBU programme is theoretically underpinned by a capabilities approach together with practical application of a concept of 'belonging'. It is an experiment in implementation with hopes that it may be a positive step towards the development of an effective model in Uganda, which may be applicable in other countries. Finally, we discuss the value in joining ideas from social work, sociology, philosophy, public health and psychiatry into a community mental health 'belonging framework'. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press.The aim of this study was to evaluate a colorimetric method, MIRONAUT-AM, for determining susceptibility testing of anidulafungin, amphotericin, voriconazole, and itraconazole by comparing the minimum inhibitory (effective) concentrations (MICs/MECs) obtained by this method to those generated by the reference Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) broth microdilution method. In sum, 78 clinical isolates of Aspergillus species, nine of them non-wild type (non-WT) with itraconazole MIC ranging from 2 mg/l to >16 mg/l, were tested against above antifungals. A. fumigatus ATCC 204305 was used as a reference strain, and test was performed in accordance with slightly modified yeast susceptibility testing instruction of the manufacture; conidia suspension inoculum and alamarBlue concentration were optimized. These same isolates were referred to Bristol Mycology reference laboratory and tested by CLSI method. The MICs and MECs generated by the two methods were compared using concordance analysis. MIRONAUT-AM showed significant concordance (P  less then  .0001) with CLSI method, and overall agreement was high (≥90%). In addition, MIRONAUT-AM produced echinocandin MECs results within 18-24 hours incubation time and correctly detected all non-WT isolates except one isolate. This colorimetric method is very promising and appears to be a suitable alternative susceptibility testing method to labor intensive broth microdilution reference method for Aspergillus species. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.In green plants, photosystem II (PSII) forms multi-subunit supercomplexes (SCs) containing a dimeric core and light-harvesting complexes (LHCs). In this study, we showed that Arabidopsis thaliana PsbP-like protein 1 (PPL1) is involved in the assembly of the PSII SCs and is required for adaptation to changing light intensity. PPL1 is a homolog of PsbP protein which optimizes the water-oxidizing reaction of PSII in green plants and is required for the efficient repair of photodamaged PSII; however, its exact function has been unknown. PPL1 was enriched in stroma lamellae and grana margins and associated with PSII subcomplexes including PSII monomers and PSII dimers, and several LHCII assemblies, while PPL1 was not detected in PSII-LHCII SCs. In a PPL1 null mutant (ppl1-2), assembly of CP43, PsbR, and PsbW are affected, resulting in a reduced accumulation of PSII SCs even under moderate light intensity. This caused the abnormal association of LHCII in ppl1-2, as indicated by a lower maximal quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and accelerated State 1 to State 2 transitions. These differences would lower the capability of plants to adapt to changing light environments, thereby leading to reduced growth under natural fluctuating light environments. Phylogenetic and structural analyses suggested that PPL1 is closely related to its cyanobacterial homolog CyanoP, which functions as an assembly factor in the early stage of PSII biogenesis. Our results suggest that PPL1 has a similar function but the data also indicate that it could aid the association of LHCII with PSII. © The Author(s) 2020. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/BIBF1120.html Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email journals.permissions@oup.com.