Based on the scores of the 3 risk features, a cut-off score of 4.5 points achieved optimal sensitivity (94.3%), specificity (90%), and accuracy (92.3%) for classifying PAS in high-risk gravid patients. Quantifying these MRI features including placental heterogeneity, abnormal vascularization at the placental-maternal interface, and focal myometrial interruption can make a classification of PAS in high-risk gravid patients. Quantifying these MRI features including placental heterogeneity, abnormal vascularization at the placental-maternal interface, and focal myometrial interruption can make a classification of PAS in high-risk gravid patients. This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of expiratory time constant (RC ) to continuously calculate the airway resistance (R ). A Respironics V60 ventilator was connected to a lung simulator for modeling different profiles of respiratory mechanics. During assisted ventilation, the respiratory system compliance (C ) calculation was always overestimated in most lung models. The R estimation using the expiratory resistance (R ) method was close to the calculated value with the occlusion method during volume-controlled ventilation (VCV). In expiratory flow limitation (EFL) lung models, similar results were obtained in the estimation of inspiratory resistance (R ), but different variations were observed in the calculation of the R . The results estimated with RC and with dynamic signal analysis had significant variation and accuracy (p < 0.001). The RC method is a robust approach to provide real-time assessments of R and R in spontaneously breathing patients during noninvasive ventilation. An underestimation of R was observed in EFL lung models. The RCexp method is a robust approach to provide real-time assessments of Rinsp and Rexp in spontaneously breathing patients during noninvasive ventilation. An underestimation of Rexp was observed in EFL lung models.Extensive tissue engineering studies have supported the enhanced spinal cord regeneration by implantable scaffolds loaded with bioactive cues. However, scaffolds with single-cue delivery showed unsatisfactory effects, most likely due to the complex nature of hostile niches in the lesion area. In this regard, strategies of multi-modal delivery of multiple heterogeneous cell-regulatory cues are unmet needs for enhancing spinal cord repair, which requires a thorough understanding of the regenerative niche associated with spinal cord injury. Here, by combining hierarchically aligned fibrin hydrogel (AFG) and functionalized self-assembling peptides (fSAP), a novel multifunctional nanofiber composite hydrogel AFG/fSAP characterized with interpenetrating network is designed. Serving as a source of both biophysical and biochemical cues, AFG/fSAP can facilitate spinal cord regeneration via guiding regenerated tissues, accelerating axonal regrowth and remyelination, and promoting angiogenesis. Giving the synergistic effect of multiple cues, AFG/fSAP implantation contributes to anatomical, electrophysiological, and motor functional restorations in rats with spinal cord hemisection. This study provides a novel multi-modal approach for regeneration in central nervous system, which has potentials for clinical practice of spinal cord injury.Stressful and emotionally arousing experiences create strong memories that seem to lose specificity over time. It is uncertain, however, how the stress system contributes to the phenomenon of time-dependent fear generalization. Here, we investigated whether post-training corticosterone (CORT-HBC) injections, given after different training intensities, affect contextual fear memory specificity at several time points. We trained male Wistar rats on the contextual fear conditioning (CFC) task using two footshock intensities (mild CFC, 3 footshocks of 0.3 mA, or moderate CFC, 3x 0.6 mA) and immediately after the training session we administered CORT-HBC systemically. We first tested the animals in a novel context and then in the training context at different intervals following training (2, 14, 28 or 42 days). By measuring freezing in the novel context and then contrasting freezing times shown in both contexts, we inferred contextual fear generalization for each rat, classifying them into Generalizers or Discriminators. Following mild CFC training, the glucocorticoid injection promoted an accurate contextual memory at the recent time point (2 days), and increase the contextual memory accuracy 28 days after training. In contrast, after the moderate CFC training, CORT-HBC facilitated contextual generalization at 14 days, compared to the control group that maintained contextual discrimination at this timepoint. For this training intensity, however, CORT-HBC did not have any effect on recent memory specificity. These findings indicate that treatment with CORT-HBC immediately after the encoding of mild or moderately arousing experiences may differentially modulate memory consolidation and time-dependent fear generalization.Cell-based medicine has made great advances in clinical diagnosis and therapy for various refractory diseases, inducing a growing demand for cell preservation as support technology. However, the bottleneck problems in cell preservation include low efficiency and poor biocompatibility of traditional protectants. In this review, cell preservation technologies are categorized according to storage conditions hypothermic preservation at 1 °C~35 °C to maintain short-term cell viability that is useful in cell diagnosis and transport, while cryopreservation at -196 °C~-80 °C to maintain long-term cell viability that provides opportunities for therapeutic cell product storage. Firstly, the background and developmental history of the protectants used in the two preservation technologies are briefly introduced. Secondly, the progress in different cellular protection mechanisms for advanced biomaterials are discussed in two preservation technologies. In hypothermic preservation, the hypothermia-induced and extracellular e conditions, and comprehensively reviews the recently advanced biomaterials related. The background, development, and cellular protective mechanisms of these two preservation technologies are respectively introduced and summarized. Moreover, the differences, connections, individual demands of these two technologies are also provided and discussed.