This study investigates the role of media in shaping human papilloma virus vaccination intentions in mainland China by applying both communication and marketing-focused theoretical frameworks in order to better understand ways to increase vaccine uptake across young men and women in China. An online survey (N = 359) revealed direct effects of online information consumption on perceived scarcity of the vaccine, as well as an indirect effect via perceived influence of media on others. Scarcity perceptions, in turn, predicted vaccine attitudes and behavioral intentions. Additionally, gender differences emerged in the data. Compared with women, men's intent to be vaccinated were not high, even if they realized the vaccine shortage. Implications for theory and practice are discussed. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email The adrenal-restrictive HSD3B1(1245A) allele limits extragonadal dihydrotestosterone synthesis, whereas the adrenal-permissive HSD3B1(1245C) allele augments extragonadal dihydrotestosterone synthesis. Retrospective studies have suggested an association between the adrenal-permissive allele, the frequency of which is highest in white men, and early development of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Objective To examine the association between the adrenal-permissive HSD3B1(1245C) allele and early development of CRPC using prospective data. Design, Setting, and Participants The E3805 Chemohormonal Therapy vs Androgen Ablation Randomized Trial for Extensive Disease in Prostate Cancer (CHAARTED) was a large, multicenter, phase 3 trial of castration with or without docetaxel treatment in men with newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer. From July 28, 2006, through December 31, 2012, 790 patients underwent randomization, of whom 527 had available DNA samples. In this study, the HSD3B1 germlin