Servicemen are exposed to high levels of stress as part of their daily routine, however, studies which tested the relationship between stress and clinical symptoms reached inconsistent results. The present study examines the role of expressive flexibility, which was determined according to the ability to enhance or suppress either negative or positive emotional expression in conflictual situations, as a possible moderator between stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms. A total of 82 active-duty firefighters (all men, age range = 25-66, M = 33.59, SD = 9.56, range of years in duty service = 2-41, M = 14.37, SD = 11.79), with different duty-related repeated traumatic exposure, participated in the study. We predicted and found that firefighters with low, but not high, expressive flexibility showed a significant positive correlation between duty-related traumatic exposure and PTSD symptomology (t(81) = 3.85, p 0.05), served as a protective factor in buffering the deleterious effect of repeated traumatic exposure. The results provide a pivotal support for the growing body of evidence that a flexible emotional profile is an adaptive one, in dealing with negative life events. However, while there is a need to update behavior, the direction of the adaptive update may differ as a function of valance.Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has a negative impact on patients' physical and psychological well-being, social performance, and working capacity, thereby worsening their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Clinicians should take care of the patients' global health, including the psychological, social, and emotional spheres. We aimed to investigate the reality of patient-reported outcomes of HRQoL in a series of IBD patients. Consecutive Crohn´s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) patients in clinical remission were recruited. The survey consisted of the Short Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (S-IBDQ), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (B-IPQ), and a questionnaire dealing with impact of IBD on patients' lives. Demographic and clinical characteristics were recorded. Of 202 participants (29% CD and 71% UC; 54% male; median age 48 years; mean disease duration 14 ± 11 years), 52% had poor HRQoL, 45% anxiety/depression, and 35% sleep disturbance and a high perception of disease (mean score 42.8 ± 14.3). In the multivariate analysis, a low HRQoL was rather associated with UC than CD (p = 0.037), IBD surgery (p = 0.010), disease duration (p = 0.01), sleep disturbance (p = 0.014), anxiety/depression (p = 0.042), and high illness perception (p = 0.006). IBD affected working performance and social activities in 62% and 74% of patients, respectively. Satisfaction regarding quality of care, biologics, and surgery approach were claimed in 73%, 69%, and 76% of patients, respectively. Although 84% of patients trusted their gastroenterologist, only 66% of them discussed IBD impact on HRQoL during visit. In a series of IBD patients in remission, the low HRQoL was significantly associated with surgery, disease duration, sleep disturbance, anxiety/depression, and high illness perception. Even though patients were satisfied with the quality of their care, it appears that clinicians should pay more attention to patients' emotional status.(1) Background Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is responsible for a large part of many health benefits associated to Mediterranean diet as it is a fundamental ingredient of this diet. The peculiarities of this golden, highly valued product are in part due to the requirements that must be met to achieve this title, namely, it has to be obtained using exclusively mechanical procedures, its free acidity cannot be greater than 0.8%, it must not show sensory defects, and it has to possess a fruity taste. (2) Methods All these characteristics are key factors to EVOO quality, thus the chemical composition of these many health-promoting compounds, such as unsaturated fatty acids (which are also the major compounds, especially oleic acid), as well as minor components such as tocopherols or phenolic compounds (which behave as natural antioxidants) must be preserved. (3) Results Due to the presence of all these compounds, the daily consumption of EVOO entails health benefits such as cardioprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor properties or acting as regulator of the intestinal microbiota, among others. (4) Conclusions Taking all together, conserving EVOO chemical composition is essential to preserve its properties, so it is worth to control certain factors during storage like exposure to light, temperature, oxygen presence or the chosen packaging material, to maintain its quality and extend its shelf-life until its consumption.Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease confined to the colon. Although the etiopathogenesis remains unknown, small bowel dysfunctions like histological and permeability alterations have been described in ulcerative colitis. We evaluated the molecular gene signature in the non-inflamed terminal ileum of 36 ulcerative colitis patients (7 active, with Mayo endoscopic subscore ≥2, and 29 inactive) as compared to 15 non-inflammatory bowel disease controls. Differential gene expression analysis with DESeq2 showed distinct expression patterns depending on disease activity and maximal disease extent. We found 84 dysregulated genes in patients with active extensive colitis and 20 in inactive extensive colitis, compared to controls. There was an overlap of 5 genes REG1B, REG1A, MUC4, GRAMD2, and CASP10. In patients with left-sided colitis, ileal gene expression levels were similar to controls. Based on gene co-expression analysis, ileal changes in active ulcerative colitis patients were related to immune functions. The ileal changes in the inactive ulcerative colitis subjects converged into the maintenance of the intestinal barrier through increased mitochondrial function and dampened immune functions. In conclusion, we identified molecular changes in the non-inflamed ileum of ulcerative colitis that are dependent on colonic inflammation.