Wound infection is commonly observed after surgery and trauma but is difficult to diagnose and poorly defined in terms of objective clinical parameters. The assumption that bacteria in a wound correlate with infection is false; all wounds contain microorganisms, but not all wounds are clinically infected. This makes it difficult for clinicians to determine true wound infection, especially in wounds with pathogenic biofilms. If an infection is not properly treated, pathogenic virulence factors, such as rhamnolipids from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can modulate the host immune response and cause tissue breakdown. Life-threatening sepsis can result if the organisms penetrate deep into host tissue. This communication describes the sensor development for five important clinical microbial pathogens commonly found in wounds Staphylococcus aureus, P. aeruginosa, Candida albicans/auris, and Enterococcus faecalis (the SPaCE pathogens). The sensor contains liposomes encapsulating a self-quenched fluorescent dye. Toxins, expressed by SPaCE infecting pathogens in early-stage infected wounds, break down the liposomes, triggering dye release, thus changing the sensor color from yellow to green, an indication of infection. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ins018-055-ism001-055.html Five clinical species of bacteria and fungi, up to 20 strains each (totaling 83), were grown as early-stage biofilms in ex vivo porcine burn wounds. The biofilms were then swabbed, and the swab placed in the liposome suspension. The population density of selected pathogens in a porcine wound biofilm was quantified and correlated with colorimetric response. Over 88% of swabs switched the sensor on (107-108 CFU/swab). A pilot clinical study demonstrated a good correlation between sensor switch-on and early-stage wound infection.Novel fluorescent labels with high photostability and high biocompatibility are required for microbiological imaging and detection. Here, we present a green fluorescent polymer chain (GFPC), designed to be nontoxic and water-soluble, for multicolor bioimaging and real-time bacterial viability determination. The copolymer is synthesized using a straightforward one-pot reversible addition-fragmentation chain-transfer (RAFT) polymerization technique. We show that GFPC does not influence bacterial growth and is stable for several hours in a complex growth medium and in the presence of bacteria. GFPC allows the labeling of the bacterial cytoplasm for multicolor bacterial bioimaging applications. It can be used in combination with propidium iodide (PI) to develop a rapid and reliable protocol to distinguish and quantify, in real time, by flow cytometry, live and dead bacteria.In this work, we demonstrate a multifunctional, portable, and disposable microfluidic device for blood typing and primary screening of blood diseases. Preloaded antibodies (anti-A, anti-B, and anti-D) interact with injected whole blood cells to cause an agglutination reaction that blocks a microslit in the microfluidic channel to accumulate red blood cells and form a visible red line that can be easily read to determine the blood type. Moreover, the different blood density and agglutination properties of normal and subtype blood groups, as well as different blood diseases, including anemia and polycythemia vera, generate different lengths of blood agglutination within the channels, which allows us to successfully screen these various conditions in as little as 2 min. The required blood volume for each test is just 1 μL, which can be obtained by minimally invasive finger pricking. This novel method of observing agglutinated red blood cells to distinguish blood types and diseases is both feasible and affordable, suggesting its promise for use in areas with limited resources.Our previous studies demonstrated that rare-earth oxycarbonates Ln2O2CO3 (Ln = La, Nd, and Sm) and rare-earth oxides Ln2O3 (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, and Yb) are sensitive to CO2 and that hexagonal La2O2CO3 is the best among them in terms of sensitivity, stability, and selectivity. In this study, we have conducted a comprehensive operando characterization on a hexagonal La2O2CO3 based sensor for the basic understanding of the sensing mechanism. This was done by performing under actual operating conditions simultaneous DC resistance and work function changes measurements, AC impedance spectroscopy measurements, and simultaneous DC resistance and DRIFT spectroscopy measurements. The results demonstrate that the double Schottky barriers at grain-grain boundaries are dominant contribution to sensor resistance; there is a competitive adsorption between carbonate species and hydroxyl groups, which depends on both CO2 concentration and humidity and leads to the change in height of the Schottky barriers. Finally, we propose a reaction model stating that there are three types of adsorbates, -CO32-, -OH-, and -O2-, and the relative concentration of which is controlled by a reaction with ambient humidity and CO2. This model is able to consistently explain all our experimental findings.Utilizing the nucleic acid-based self-assembly technology, Y-shaped backbone-rigidified DNA triangles with substantially enhanced nuclease resistance are built by designing a Y-shaped backbone in the center of a planar DNA triangle. Along this line, we developed aptamer-targeted DNA triangle-based molecular beacon (Apt-Tri-MB) probes for monitoring the microRNA expression in living cells with high sensitivity and specificity. For the Apt-Tri-MB probe, the MB is protected by the DNA triangle from unwanted enzymatic digestion, and a targeting ligand aptamer is introduced to endow the MB with active tumor cell-targeting capability. Thus, the digestion-induced false-positive signal is avoided, and the background fluorescence, which originates from the passive cell uptake (e.g., transfection) of reporting probes, is substantially suppressed. The imaging capability of the Apt-Tri-MB is superior to the commercial transfection agent-based counterpart and exhibits good universality suitable for imaging different miRNAs by changing the recognition fragment of the MB. Meanwhile, the disadvantages are efficiently circumvented, including the susceptibility of nucleic acids to nuclease-mediated degradation, inability of MB probes to enter cells, lipofectamine-determined cellular cytotoxicity, and nontargeting cell uptake. Inspired by the Y-shaped backbone-rigidified Apt-Tri-MB, we also constructed X-shaped backbone-rigidified quadrangle-based probes (Apt-Qua-MB). The experimental results show that cell imaging and antidegradation capability of Apt-Qua-MB are comparable with Apt-Tri-MB. As a proof-of-concept study, the Apt-Tri-MB is expected to open an exciting avenue for the further application of nucleic acid probes in the cellular level research and clinical disease diagnosis.