Animal culture: Newbies help follow more effective actions. Simple logistic regression was used to correlate the imaging characteristics with malignant status and grade. RESULTS Malignant OTs had significantly higher Zeff and IC compared with benign OTs. The threshold values for the diagnosis of malignant OT were IC≥9.74 (100 μg/cm3) with 81% sensitivity and 73% specificity and Zeff ≥8.16 with 85% sensitivity and 73% specificity. High-grade OTs had significantly higher WC compared with low-grade OTs, and a threshold of ≥1,013.92 mg/cm3 differentiated them with 80% sensitivity and 83% specificity. CONCLUSION DECT may be a tool to help distinguish malignant and benign OTs and predict tumour grade. AIM To determine whether the presence of internal calcifications on perinatal post-mortem skeletal surveys (PMSS) are associated with certain diagnoses of fetal loss. METHODS AND MATERIALS A 6-month retrospective, single-centre, cohort study was conducted on PMSS performed for perinatal death assessment. One reader re-reviewed all PMSS images for the presence and location of internal calcifications, and noted whether these were included within the original radiology report. Findings at autopsy were then reviewed independently by a second researcher and cause of fetal loss or main diagnosis recorded. Chi-squared tests were conducted to identify differences between those with and without internal calcifications at PMSS. RESULTS Two hundred and thirty perinatal deaths (mean gestational age 18 weeks; average 12-35 weeks) were included in the study, of which 42 (18.3%) demonstrated intra-abdominal calcifications, and 16/42 (38.1%) were mentioned in the radiology reports. Most calcifications were found to be within the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, and in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. There was no statistical difference between identifiable causes for fetal loss at autopsy in cases with and without calcification at PMSS (59.5% versus 58.5% respectively, p=0.904). Nevertheless, where calcification and a cause for fetal loss were found, the aetiology was more likely to be due a fetal rather than placental issue. CONCLUSION The presence of internal calcifications on PMSS was not associated with an increased likelihood of explainable fetal loss or particular diagnosis at autopsy. OBJECTIVE Early survival after lung transplantation has improved in the last decade. Mechanically ventilated recipients are known to be at greater risk for early post-transplant mortality. We hypothesized that post-transplant survival in mechanically ventilated recipients has improved over time. METHODS Using a national registry, we compared hazard of death at 30 days, 4 and 14 months, 3 and 5 years, and overall for adults on mechanical ventilation who underwent lung or heart-lung transplantation from May 4, 2011, to April 4, 2018 (modern group) with those undergoing transplantation from May 4, 2005, to May 3, 2011 (early group). We quantified the impact of mechanical ventilation on survival using population-attributable fractions. We also compared mechanically ventilated recipients with nonmechanically ventilated recipients. RESULTS Mechanically ventilated recipients from the modern group had lower hazard of death than recipients in the early group at all time-points, lowest at 30-days post-transplant (hazard ratio, 0.04; 95% confidence interval, 0.02-0.08). In the modern period, mechanically ventilated recipients had greater hazard of death than nonmechanically ventilated recipients at 30 days' post-transplant (9.53; 4.57-19.86). For mechanically ventilated recipients, the population attributable fraction was lower in the modern group compared to the earlier group (0.6% vs 5.7%). CONCLUSIONS While mechanically ventilated recipients remain at high risk, survival in this patient population has improved over time. This may reflect improvements in perioperative recipient management. INTRODUCTION The objective was to estimate the effectiveness of inactivated trivalent vaccine (VE) in preventing hospital flu care (HFC) in Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha (CLM), Spain, 2018-19 season. MATERIAL AND METHODS Retrospective cohort study (40/2018 to 13/2019 weeks). SOURCES Microbiology programme; electronic medical history; population census (INE, 1/7/2018). CASES Population requiring HFC (hospital emergencies and/or emergency observation unit and/or hospital admissions), confirmed by antigenic test and/or PCR. Preventive fractions [PFv(vaccinated) and PFp(population)] and Necessary number of patients to be vaccinated (NNV) were calculated. RESULTS 228 HFT occurred [cumulative incidence rate (IR)=8.9/104; ≥65 years=65%; vaccination coverage=13% (≥65 years=58%); mortality=9%); maximum incidence in the 6th week (IR=1.7/104) (in CLM, in 4th)]. Highest peak of RSV occurred in the 3rd (in CLM, in the 52th). PFv (14-65 years) was 96% (PFp=58%) and in ≥65, 32% (PFp=21%). NNV=414. As in Spain, influenza virus A predominated, with A(H3N2) being 13% more prevalent (strain not included in the vaccine). CONCLUSIONS The season was delayed by sustained VRS circulation. The VE was lower than the national one. It is be essential to promote future campaigns to improve vaccination coverage. Herein, we report three-dimensional paper chromatography (3D-PC) as a micro-chromatographic platform. The method was based on applying the origami microfluidic device for separation, coupled by colorimetric methods for simultaneous determination. The microfluidic device fabrication was a facile printing approach. Two azo food dyes, Tartrazine (E102) and Indigo carmine (E132), were selected as a model analyte, while carbonate-bicarbonate buffer was used as the mobile phase. Our micro-chromatographic device is associated with two big advantages including needing very small volume of mobile phase ( ~12 µL) and ultrafast separation time (~35 s). Under the optimal conditions, the method provided acceptable linear ranges of 0. 0 g L1-18.0 g L1 (R2 = 0.997) for E102 and 0.070 g L1-10.0 g L1 for E132 and the limits of detection (3σ/slope) were evaluated as 0.620 and 0.060 g L1, respectively. The proposed method was successfully applied in the separation and quantification of these dyes in commercial food products such as jelly, candy, and four kinds of drink samples without any sample preparation prior to analysis.