Recent experiments have elucidated the physical properties of kinetoplasts, which are chain-mail-like structures found in the mitochondria of trypanosome parasites formed from catenated DNA rings. Inspired by these studies, we use Monte Carlo simulations to examine the behavior of two-dimensional networks ("membranes") of linked rings. For simplicity, we consider only identical rings that are circular and rigid and that form networks with a regular linking structure. We find that the scaling of the eigenvalues of the shape tensor with membrane size are consistent with the behavior of the flat phase observed in self-avoiding covalent membranes. Increasing ring thickness tends to swell the membrane. Remarkably, unlike covalent membranes, the linked-ring membranes tend to form concave structures with an intrinsic curvature of entropic origin associated with local excluded-volume interactions. The degree of concavity increases with increasing ring thickness and is also affected by the type of linking network. The relevance of the properties of linked-ring model membranes to those observed in kinetoplasts is discussed.Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have been proven to have versatile applications in biomedicine. Although numerous strategies have been developed to synthesize hydrophilic magnetic nanoparticles, there is still a challenge in the quantity and controllability of preparation of highly dispersible, stably water-dispersive magnetic nanoparticles. The current work presents a deep-eutectic solvent electrolysis to synthesize magnetic nanoparticles. In the electrolysis process, iron atoms at the anode electrode are oxidized to ferric ions, and then the ferric ions are combined with reactive oxygen species that derived from the decomposition of deep-eutectic solvents to form iron oxide nanocrystals. Concomitantly, hydrophilic radicals of amine groups produced by electrolyte decomposition are grafted on the particles