In general, the sampling scheme had little effect when used for calibration efforts, but when applied to sensitivity analyses, Sobol sequences exhibited faster convergence. While the observed benefit to convergence is relatively small, Sobol sequences are computationally less expensive to compute than LHS samples and also have the benefit of being deterministic, which allows for better reproducibility of results.Insect-associated microbes, including pathogens, parasites, and symbionts, influence the interactions of herbivorous insects and pollinators with their host plants. Moreover, herbivory-induced changes in plant resource allocation and defensive chemistry can influence pollinator behavior. This suggests that the outcomes of interactions between herbivores, their microbes and host plants could have implications for pollinators. As epizootic diseases occur at high population densities, pathogen and parasite-mediated effects on plants could have landscape-level impacts on foraging pollinators. The goal of this minireview is to highlight the potential for an herbivore's multitrophic interactions to trigger plant-mediated effects on the immunity and health of pollinators. We highlight the importance of plant quality and gut microbiomes in bee health, and how caterpillars as model herbivores interact with pathogens, parasites, and symbionts to affect plant quality, which forms the centerpiece of multitrophic interactions between herbivores and pollinators. We also discuss the impacts of other herbivore-associated factors, such as agricultural inputs aimed at decreasing herbivorous pests, on pollinator microbiomes.An extensive review of new resources to support the provision of evidence-based care for women and infants. The current column includes a discussion of the prenatal prediction of fetal macrosomia and commentaries on reviews focused on the effects of date palm and dill seed on labor outcomes and the current research available on SARS-CoV-2 and pregnancy outcomes.Fungal keratitis (FK) pathology is driven by both fungal growth and inflammation within the corneal stroma. Standard in vitro infection models ̶ involving co-culture of the pathogen and the corneal cells in tissue culture medium ̶ are sufficient to probe host responses to the fungus; however, they lack the physiological structure and nutrient composition of the stroma to accurately study fungal invasiveness and metabolic processes. We therefore sought to develop a culture model of FK that would allow for both host and fungal cell biology to be evaluated in parallel. Towards this end, we employed a previously described system in which primary human cornea fibroblasts (HCFs) are cultured on transwell membranes, whereupon they secrete a three-dimensional (3D) collagen matrix that resembles the human stroma. We demonstrated that two common mold agents of FK, Fusarium petroliphilum and Aspergillus fumigatus, penetrated into these constructs and caused a disruption of the collagen matrix that is characteristic of infection. HCF morphology appeared altered in the presence of fungus and electron microscopy revealed a clear internalization of fungal spores into these cells. Consistent with this apparent phagocyte-like activity of the HCFs, mRNA and protein levels for several pro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokines (including TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8) were significantly upregulated compared to uninfected samples. We similarly found an upregulation of several HCF metalloproteases (MMPs), which are enzymes that breakdown collagen during wound healing and may further activate pro-inflammatory signaling molecules. Finally, several fungal collagenase genes were upregulated during growth in the constructs relative to growth in tissue culture media alone, suggesting a fungal metabolic shift towards protein catabolism. Taken together, our results indicate that this 3D-stromal model provides a physiologically relevant system to study host and fungal cell pathobiology during FK. Oral monosaccharides and disaccharides are used to measure invivo human gut permeability through urinary excretion. The aims were as follows (1) to obtain normative data on small intestinal and colonic permeability; (2) to assess variance on standard 16 g fiber diet performed twice; (3) to determine whether dietary fiber influences gut permeability measurements; and (4) to present pilot data using 2 selected probes in patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D). Sixty healthy female and male adults, age 18-70 years, participated in 3 randomized studies (2 studies on 16.25 g and 1 study on 32.5 g fiber) in otherwise standardized diets. At each test, the following sugars were ingested C-mannitol, C-mannitol, rhamnose (monosaccharides), sucralose, and lactulose (disaccharides). Standardized meals were administered from 24 hours before and during 24 hours post-sugars with 3 urine collections 0-2, 2-8, and 8-24 hours. Sugars were measured using high-performance liquid chromatograpine 12C-mannitol excretion precludes its use; 13C-mannitol is the preferred probe for small intestinal permeability. Although cholangiocarcinomas (CCAs) can be diagnosed using several modalities, the detection of early-stage cancers remains unsatisfactory. We explored whether peroral cholangioscopy (POC) could be used to screen for neoplastic bile duct lesions including CCAs in patients with bile duct stones. Two hundred seven patients who underwent endoscopic removal of bile duct stones were enrolled between August 2010 and July 2018. The primary outcome was the detection rate of intraductal neoplastic biliary lesions by direct POC. Secondary outcomes were the technical success rates of direct POC and POC-guided forceps biopsy sampling (POC-FB), the diagnostic accuracy of the direct POC findings, adverse events, and the number needed to screen to detect a neoplastic bile duct lesion. Direct POC was successful in 199 of 207 patients (96.1%). Mild cholangitis developed in 2 patients (1.0%) and was treated conservatively. Of the 199 successfully performed POCs, 31 patients (15.6%) exhibited abnormal intraductal mucosal lesions.