This paper focuses on the thorax disease classification problem in chest X-ray (CXR) images. Different from the generic image classification task, a robust and stable CXR image analysis system should consider the unique characteristics of CXR images. Particularly, it should be able to 1) automatically focus on the disease-critical regions, which usually are of small sizes; 2) adaptively capture the intrinsic relationships among different disease features and utilize them to boost the multi-label disease recognition rates jointly. In this paper, we propose to learn discriminative features with a two-branch architecture, named ConsultNet, to achieve those two purposes simultaneously. ConsultNet consists of two components. First, an information bottleneck constrained feature selector extracts critical disease-specific features according to the feature importance. Second, a spatial-and-channel encoding based feature integrator enhances the latent semantic dependencies in the feature space. ConsultNet fuses these discriminative features to improve the performance of thorax disease classification in CXRs. Experiments conducted on the ChestX-ray14 and CheXpert dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Style transfer on images has achieved significant advances in recent years, with the deep convolutional neural network (CNN). Directly applying image style transfer algorithms to each frame of a video independently often leads to flickering and unstable results. In this work, we present a self-supervised space-time convolutional neural network (CNN) based method for online video style transfer, named as VTNet, which is end-to-end trained from nearly unlimited unlabeled video data to produce temporally coherent stylized videos in real-time. Specifically, our VTNet transfer the style of a reference image to the source video frames, which is formed by the temporal prediction branch and t