Get an estimate from several buyers before selling your gold. Gold buyers include all types of businesses ranging from jewelers to online companies. Nearly every one has different profit levels that they must maintain. Getting estimates from several establishments will help you make sure that you receive a fair price. Before attending a gold party, separate your jewelry by karat weight. Some buyers will try to weigh all of your pieces together, and then pay you based on the lowest karat weight among them. This amounts to less money in your pocket, meaning you have made an unfair sale. When going to sell your gold, bring along identification. If you come to an agreement on the sale of the pieces, you will be required to give the buyers a copy of your government issued id. This is a law meant to protect individuals against buying pieces that are stolen, and any reputable dealer will stand by this law. Find out if you have a piece made by a well-known designer. Sometimes, the origin of the piece and the designer of the piece makes a gold piece worth more, rather than having it melted down. Tell the buyer if you have a piece done by someone noteworthy, to get a better price. Do not hesitate to sell any gold jewelry that you no longer have use for. There are many people that hold on to these pieces for no logical reason when they can be sold for a tidy profit. The money you make from the sale would do more good than unused jewelry sitting in a box. Avoid selling pieces whose worth is more than just the weight of the gold. The value of antique jewelry and rare coins can far outweigh the value of the gold. Also avoid selling pieces that are artistically crafted, jewelry that has gems and anything with sentimental value. The gold will be melted down before it is sold. Investigate before choosing one to do business with. The chanc