In a second experiment, butterflies were conditioned to the four flower types. No conditioning occurred, as radial flowers were visited consistently more than uniform flowers. Our results show that southern monarchs take integrated flower information into account for foraging decisions, and that learning does not occur when highly informative flowers are present. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected medical treatment protocols throughout the world. While the pandemic does not affect hand surgeons at first glance, they have a role to play. The purpose of this study was to describe the different measures that have been put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by hand surgeons throughout the world. The survey comprised 47 surgeons working in 34 countries who responded to an online questionnaire. We found that the protocols varied in terms of visitors, health professionals in the operating room, patient waiting areas, wards and emergency rooms. Based on these preliminary findings, an international consensus on hand surgery practices for the current viral pandemic, and future ones, needs to be built rapidly. Legacy polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been widely detected in various environmental matrices, which has caused great public concern. This study investigated the concentration, composition, partitioning, source apportionment, estimated daily intake (EDI), and ecological risks of 18 PFASs in water and sediments from Danjiangkou Reservoir. The total PFASs concentrations were 0.46-97.94 ng/L in water and 0.07-1.62 μg/kg in sediments. The total PFASs concentrations in water followed the order of spring > summer > winter > autumn (p  less then  0.05), and the PFAS compositions in water also varied among four seasons. However, no seasonal differences in the concentrations and compositions of PFASs were observed in sediments. The calculated logKoc values of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) were dependent on carbon chain length, decreasing first from C6 to C8 and then increasing from C8 to C13 due to the combined effects of steric hindrance and hydrophobic interaction, while the logKoc values of C14 and C16 PFCAs were the lowest because of their very limited use. Principal component analysis-multiple linear regression analysis (PCA-MLRA) showed that food packaging/metal plating were the main sources of PFASs in spring, autumn, and winter, accounting for 64.8-81.9% and 50.5-76.9% of the total PFASs in water and sediments, respectively. However, in summer, 68.6% of total PFASs in water originated from leather/fabrics/textiles, and 70.0% of total PFASs in sediments were derived from textile treatment agents. The total EDI values through drinking water and dermal contact were 0.85, 0.69, 0.51, and 0.47 ng/kg bw/day for children (2-6, 7-12, and 13-17 years old) and adults, respectively, which were lower than the European Food Safety Authority's tolerable daily intake. However, the detected PFASs could pose low to medium ecological risks to daphnids and fish in spring. The study was significant for the development of effective strategies for controlling PFASs pollution in the Danjiangkou Reservoir. The environmental ecological risks of dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from diverse sewage treatment plants and processes have attracted urgent attention. The correlations between the toxicity of DOM and its compositions or properties deserved to be explored to evaluate the environmental risk. Human liver cancer (HepG2) and normal liver (L02) cell lines were used in in vitro experiments evaluating the environmental risks of dissolved organics discharged from secondary and advanced sewage treatment processes. Organics extracted from dewatered sludge were also tested. Elemental compositions were determined and optical characterization was performed. The results indicated that the organics in the effluent from anaerobic-anoxic-oxic processes contained more oxygen-containing groups and hydrophilic substances than those in other types of effluent. The sludge extracts showed the greatest cytotoxicity, followed by the effluent from secondary treatment and then the effluent from an advanced treatment process. The sludge extracts inhibited cell proliferation while the other effluents promoted it at a 5 mgC/L concentration. The organics discharged from secondary and advanced treatment processes induced relatively little production of reactive oxygen species. That stimulated cell self-repair and free radical scavenging and consequently resulted in cell proliferation with the cell lines tested. Oxygen-containing groups in the dissolved organics promoted cell proliferation and ROS removal. The atomic ratios and UV spectroscopy indices contributed mainly to the cell viability among the positive indicators. These results provide theoretical basis for managing the ecological risks posed by dissolved organics released from sewage treatment processes. BACKGROUND Court-involved youth have high levels of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which can impact functioning in adolescence and throughout adulthood. Yet there is limited research to help clinicians translate these histories into trauma-responsive programming guidelines. OBJECTIVE This manuscript utilizes data that is routinely collected to inform practitioners about how to utilize trauma histories to inform program and practice decisions. METHODS This study used administrative data with a diverse sample of medium- to high-risk youth on probation (N = 5,378) to examine how ACE clusters, identified through Latent Class Analysis, evinced differential treatment needs across multiple domains. RESULTS Six identified classes - Low All, Parental Incarceration, Parental Health Problems, High Conflict, High Maltreatment, and High All - were assessed for differences in self-regulation, mental health, substance use, academic functioning, family/social resources, and behavioral problems. Classes varied significantly on all assessed domains, indicating differential needs for effective interventions to interrupt negative trajectories. CONCLUSIONS Utilizing existing data in a real-world setting and addressing challenges and barriers in real-time can help bring research evidence to practice. In addition to juvenile justice settings, we conclude with discussion of ways that allied community based services in schools, youth programming, and family services can benefit from awareness of these youth adversity profiles.