ADHD Tests For Adults Adhd tests for adults are a great method to help you understand your symptoms and decide if treatment is right for yourself. These tests should not be used as an alternative to a professional assessment. ADHD is a complicated disorder that can present differently in adulthood than in children. A doctor should examine the symptoms and history of an adult diagnosed with ADHD. Diagnosis Testing for adhd in adults isn't available. However, healthcare professionals can diagnose the condition based on the guidelines outlined in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic Manual. This guideline is based on a person's current symptoms, duration of symptoms and the degree to which they interfere with various aspects of life. Interviewing the patient about their symptoms is the first step to diagnosing the cause. Interviews include looking over the patient's medical, mental health and personal history. The doctor will ask about what the patient is doing currently managing their ADHD symptoms and how they deal with those symptoms and what led them to look into an evaluation. If the doctor believes that the patient's symptoms can't be caused by a different condition and they believe that the patient is suffering from a condition, they may conduct an examination to look for other health issues. They will also use the symptom checklist and rating scales to evaluate the patient's symptoms. They will also conduct the time to take a thorough medical and psychological history of the patient's life, from childhood all the way to the present. They will also need to determine if there's any significant family history of ADHD or other disorders that impact a person's behavior and social functioning. When evaluating a patient, the doctor will also go over information from teachers