Common Health Issues and Care Needs of a French Bulldog The French bulldog, a strong dog with a face that is push-faced has seen a rise in popularity and is now the most sought-after purebred. It is replacing the Labrador Retriever which held that title for 31 years. Social media could be partly the reason. What is it that makes the Frenchie breed so desirable? The answer: their delightful personalities. They also have some peculiarities that are worth mentioning. Characteristics A French Bulldog has a distinct personality and is very playful. These dogs make great family pets, and they get along well with children. They also get along well with other pets and animals. However, they can be a little cautious with strangers. They are also known to drool and sleep, which can be bothersome for owners. These dogs have a fine silky coat that is available in many colors and patterns. They are also well-known for their wrinkles and soft, soft skin. They shed a little and require regular grooming to appear their best. The shed isn't as insignificant as other breeds and a bit of grooming can go a long way. Frenchies have a moderate energy level and are easy to train. They can be great playmates for active families however, they also enjoy quiet time sitting on the couch with their owners. They can adjust to various living conditions including apartments. However, they require regular walks and visits to the dog park to keep active. They also love swimming and running around the yard. The most prevalent health issues of the include brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome and hip dysplasia. The former condition is c