Handgrip strength is an indicator of frailty in older people. To determine the prevalence of low handgrip strength in older Chilean adults. A cross-sectional analysis of 244 individuals aged 60 years or more, participating in the 2016-2017 Chilean National Health Survey, was carried out. Handgrip strength was evaluated by a hand dynamometer and low grip strength was determined as a grip strength ≤ 15 kg and ≤ 27 kg for women and men, respectively. Twenty nine percent of participants had low grip strength. The average grip strength among 60-year-old men and women was 34.7 and 22.1 kg, respectively. These figures decreased to 28.8 kg and 17.2 kg among 90-year-old men and women, respectively. The prevalence of low grip strength in men and women aged 60 years was 18%. In 90-year-old men and women, these figures increased to 79% and 56.3%, respectively. The prevalence of low grip strength increased substantially with age. The prevalence of low grip strength increased substantially with age. COVID-19 is highly transmissible, thus requiring strict measures to prevent its propagation. To report a survey about self-reported adherence to recommendations aimed to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, among health care personnel. A cross-sectional survey among health professionals about adherence to recommendations to prevent COVID-19 transmission was carried out in a public hospital in Chile. The survey had 11 questions and was developed using Delphi methodology, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control. The survey was answered by 137 of 155 invited workers. Hand washing, use of personal protection equipment, use of the elbow or tissue to sneeze, out-of-hospital hand washing and exclusive use of the uniform in the hospital, had an adherence of over 90%. The adherence to face touching avoidance during working hours, and face mask use in the public areas, was over 50%. No statistical differences were observed between gender or professionals. The adherence reported by health care workers was adequate in most of the evaluated recommendations. The adherence reported by health care workers was adequate in most of the evaluated recommendations. During the first pandemic wave, Covid-19 reached Latin America cities. To report clinical features and outcomes of a group of patients with Covid-19 admitted to a Chilean regional reference Center. Cases were identified by a compatible clinical picture and a positive PCR or serological test. Clinical features of patients were retrieved from medical records. Forty-seven adult patients (45 diagnosed by PCR, 2 by serology) were admitted between epidemiological weeks 13 to 33, corresponding to 4.4% of total regional cases. Hospitalization occurred at a median of 10 days after onset of symptoms. Fifty one percent of patients had 60 years or more. Hypertension, obesity and diabetes mellitus were present in 57, 45 and 32 % of cases, respectively. Nineteen percent of patients had no comorbid condition nor were elderly. Two cases were women in their second trimester of pregnancy. Positive IgM or IgM/IgG results obtained by rapid serological testing, had limited sensitivity during the first week (67%). Seventeen patients (36.2%) were transferred to an intensive care unit (ICU) due to respiratory failure. Chest imaging demonstrated a classical COVID-19 pattern in 87%. By univariate analysis, admission to ICU was significantly associated with tachypnea and higher CALL (comorbidity, age, lymphocyte count and lactate dehydrogenase) score. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Nolvadex.html Four patients died (rendering a hospital mortality of 8.5%) and length of stay was ≥ 14 days in 46.8% of patients. By univariate analysis, mortality was associated with immunosuppression and ICU admission. In our regional Center, patients admitted with COVID-19 had usual risk factors and had a prolonged stay. Hospital mortality was associated with immunosuppression and ICU admission. In our regional Center, patients admitted with COVID-19 had usual risk factors and had a prolonged stay. Hospital mortality was associated with immunosuppression and ICU admission. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) is understood as a multidimensional variable, mostly measured using the SF-12 questionnaire. However, this measurement doesn't always replicate the factorial structure theoretically expected, hindering potential conclusions. To assess the reliability and validity of SF-12 questionnaire in a representative sample of Chilean participants. Information was obtained from the National Quality of Life Survey performed in Chile during 2015-16. During the survey, SF-12 was answered by 7041 participants older than 15 years, with a median age of 47 years (63% women). SF-12 has reliability, but it does not have construct validity. The analysis suggests that there is a factorial structure that resembles theory, only when factors and items are related. The practical importance of these results highlight the need to measure HRQoL using more extensive scales. The practical importance of these results highlight the need to measure HRQoL using more extensive scales. The prognosis of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) depends on the type of lymphoma, the extension of the disease and the response to therapy. To evaluate the prognostic value of pretreatment and interim PET/CT compared to classic prognosis factors and body composition measurement (sarcopenia, adipopenia) in patients with recently diagnosed NHL. Patients with recently diagnosed NHL who had staging 18F-FDG PET/CT performed between December 2008 and August 2018 were selected. Age, gender, weight, height, B symptoms, laboratory tests, pathology, staging PET/CT findings (Ann Arbor, number of nodal groups and extranodal sites involved, Bulky, maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax), metabolic tumor volume (MTV), and total lesion glycolysis), Computed Tomography findings (psoas muscle mass index, psoas area, psoas density, subcutaneous fat index (all of them at L3 level), and Deauville score (Lugano Criteria) were recorded. The prognostic value of each of these factors was assessed using Cox multivariable regressions.