Several examples of 'active failures' were also described. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Safety issues appear broader than those recorded and reported by health services and inspectorates. Many safety issues have also been identified in other care settings supporting the notion that there are overlaps between service users and carers' perspectives of safety in mental health services and those of users in other settings. Areas for further research are suggested. © 2020 The Authors Health Expectations published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Ultra-low fouling and functionalizable coatings represent emerging surface platforms for various analytical and biomedical applications such as those involving examination of cellular interactions in their native environments. Ultra-low fouling surface platforms as advanced interfaces enabling modulation of behavior of living cells via tuning surface physicochemical properties are presented and studied. The state-of-art ultra-low fouling surface-grafted polymer brushes of zwitterionic poly(carboxybetaine acrylamide), nonionic poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide), and random copolymers of carboxybetaine methacrylamide (CBMAA) and HPMAA [p(CBMAA-co-HPMAA)] with tunable molar contents of CBMAA and HPMAA are employed. Using a model Huh7 cell line, a systematic study of surface wettability, swelling, and charge effects on the cell growth, shape, and cytoskeleton distribution is performed. This study reveals that ultra-low fouling interfaces with a high content of zwitterionic moieties (>65 mol%) modulate cell behavior in a distinctly different way compared to coatings with a high content of nonionic HPMAA. These differences are attributed mostly to the surface hydration capabilities. The results demonstrate a high potential of carboxybetaine-rich ultra-low fouling surfaces with high hydration capabilities and minimum background signal interferences to create next-generation bioresponsive interfaces for advanced studies of living objects. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.In the ageing skeleton, the balance of bone reconstruction could commonly be broken by the increasing of bone resorption and decreasing of bone formation. Consequently, the bone resorption gradually occupies a dominant status. During this imbalance process, osteoclast is unique cell linage act the bone resorptive biological activity, which is a highly differentiated ultimate cell derived from monocyte/macrophage. The erosive function of osteoclasts is that they have to adhere the bone matrix and migrate along it, in which adhesive cytoskeleton recombination of osteoclast is essential. In that, the podosome is a membrane binding microdomain organelle, based on dynamic actin, which forms a cytoskeleton superstructure connected with the plasma membrane. Otherwise, as the main adhesive protein, integrin regulates the formation of podosome and cytoskeleton, which collaborates with the various molecules including c-Cbl, p130Cas , c-Src and Pyk2, through several signalling cascades cross talking, including M-CSF and RANKL. In our current study, we discuss the role of integrin and associated molecules in osteoclastogenesis cytoskeletal, especially podosomes, regulation and relevant signalling cascades cross talking. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Social capital, and more particularly the social networks that define its existence, is said to benefit health and well-being. In individuals recovering from alcohol and drug addiction, social capital accruing from social networks support treatment, recovery and maintenance. Therefore, the concept of social capital is important for public health practitioners working in recovery interventions. This qualitative study seeks to explore what practitioners perceive as the importance of social capital and how they apply the concept in interventions to support individuals recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. Eight public health practitioners involved in drug and substance abuse interventions in West Yorkshire, England, were interviewed. The results of the interview were then deductively coded using two priori themes of perceived impact of social capital on health outcomes and application of social capital theory in recovery interventions. The findings reveal that practitioners understand the impact of social capital as the effects of social networks on recovery and apply the concept in their interventions. However, the nature of interventions created based on similarities in condition (alcohol and substance addiction) and intended outcome (recovery) create bonding social capital with mixed outcomes. This paper argues that the wider benefits to service users are unintentionally inhibited by the overwhelming downsides of bonding social capital. For instance, closed support groups comprised of individuals with high similarities further exclude the already socioeconomically deprived service users from integrating and accessing resources outside their groups. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND Delirium is a common postoperative neurocognitive complication in the older population and can lead to significant morbidity and mortality, as well as cognitive and functional impairment. Hypoactive delirium is characterised by drowsiness and inactivity, and expert opinions suggest that it is more likely to be missed and can lead to more complications. Current guidelines and literature evidence both support the use of non-pharmacological management of delirium. METHODS To investigate the recognition of hyperactive and hypoactive delirium by the surgical multidisciplinary team, and to investigate staff understanding regarding the management and prognosis of postoperative delirium. We conducted a single-centre, multidisciplinary survey on the diagnosis, management and complication of postoperative delirium. RESULTS We found that hypoactive delirium is significantly less likely to be identified. In contrast, acute psychosis is likely to be misdiagnosed as delirium. Only a small proportion of the respondents had knowledge of the supportive management options for delirium; and the medical complications and higher mortality risk associated with postoperative delirium.