One consequence of the securitarian approach against terrorism is the conflictual request both to "spot radicals" and build social cohesion in local communities. As a result, migrants' communities feel discriminated and treated as a "suspect community". The European Project PROVA addressed the prevention of violent radicalization in youth, involving professionals and representatives of local communities, and producing Guidelines in order to contrast the marginalization of suspected communities. The empirical research refers to an innovative way to carry out the Participatory Consensus Conference (PCC), used to define Guidelines aimed at identifying suitable recommendations, costs and benefits for the foreseen policies. Participants were 12 stakeholders (Local Authorities, Juvenile Justice System, NGOs, and Educational Institutions). Methods the PCC used a scientific process for achieving an agreement with a participatory approach. The final outcomes consisted in the definition of recommendations on the social cohesion among citizens, and the sensitiveness toward migrants' isolation and fear.Ras is the most mutated oncoprotein in cancer. Among the three oncogenic effectors of Ras - Raf, PI3 Kinase and RalGEF>Ral - signalling through RalGEF>Ral (Ras-like) is by far the least well understood. A variety of signals and binding partners have been defined for Ral, yet we know little of how Ral functions in vivo. This review focuses on previous research in Drosophila that defined a function for Ral in apoptosis and established indirect relationships among Ral, the CNH-domain MAP4 Kinase misshapen, and the JNK MAP kinase basket. Most of the described signalling components are not essential in C. elegans, facilitating subsequent analysis using developmental patterning of the C. elegans vulval precursor cells (VPCs). The functions of two paralogous CNH-domain MAP4 Kinases were defined relative to Ras>Raf, Notch a