91, 0.86, 0.83 and 0.94, respectively. The optimal cut-off value (sensitivity and specificity) of age at MR examination, APRI, BSA adLLV and combined index were 132 (86% and 92%), 1.3 (91% and 85%), 855.5 (96% and 62%) and 0.689 (91% and 92%). The accuracy of age at MR examination, APRI, BSA adLLV and combined index were 89%, 89%, 83% and 91%, respectively. A combined noninvasive index of age, aspartate aminotransferase and platelet ratio index, and the body-surface-area-adjusted left liver lobe volume measured from MR images is a potential marker of liver cirrhosis in children with biliary atresia. A combined noninvasive index of age, aspartate aminotransferase and platelet ratio index, and the body-surface-area-adjusted left liver lobe volume measured from MR images is a potential marker of liver cirrhosis in children with biliary atresia. Consumer-grade virtual reality (VR) has recently enabled various medical applications, but more evidence supporting their validity is needed. We investigated the accuracy of simulated surgical planning in a VR environment (VR) with temporal bones and compared it to conventional cross-sectional image viewing in picture archiving and communication system (PACS) interface. Five experienced otologic surgeons measured significant anatomic structures and fiducials on five fresh-frozen cadaveric temporal bones in VR and cross-sectional viewing. Primary image data were acquired by computed tomography. In total, 275 anatomical landmark measurements and 250 measurements of the distance between fiducials were obtained with both methods. Distance measurements between the fiducials were confirmed by physical measurement obtained by Vernier caliper. The experts evaluated the subjective validity of both methods on a 5-point Likert scale qualitative survey. A strong correlation based on intraclass coefficient was found between the methods on both the anatomical (r > 0.900) and fiducial measurements (r > 0.916). Two-tailed paired t-test and Bland-Altman plots demonstrated high equivalences between the VR and cross-sectional viewing with mean differences of 1.9% (p = 0.396) and 0.472mm (p = 0.065) for anatomical and fiducial measurements, respectively. Gross measurement errors due to the misidentification of fiducials occurred more frequently in the cross-sectional viewing. The mean face and content validity rating for VR were significantly better compared to cross-sectional viewing (totalmean score 4.11 vs 3.39, p < 0.001). Our study supports good accuracy and reliability of VR environment for simulated surgical planning in temporal bones compared to conventional cross-sectional visualization. Our study supports good accuracy and reliability of VR environment for simulated surgical planning in temporal bones compared to conventional cross-sectional visualization. The study aimed to determine normative values for the Tonsillectomy Outcome Inventory 14 (TOI-14) in a healthy middle-European cohort. We also compared these generated values with TOI-14 scores from a patient population with recurrent tonsillitis (RT) and explored the factorial structure of the TOI-14. We systematically studied the responses of healthy individuals (reference cohort) and patients with RT (clinical cohort) to the TOI-14 survey. The reference cohort contained 1000 participants, who were recruited using the Respondi panel for market and social science research. This subsample was quoted to the population distribution of the German Microcensus and selected from a non-probability panel. Tonsillitis patients were assessed before and 6 and 12months after tonsillectomy. Data were analysed using principal component and exploratory factor analyses. The PCA revealed three TOI-14 domains (physiological, psychological and socio-economic), which explained 73% of the total variance. The reference cohort perceived a good quality of life (QOL) with a TOI-14 total score of 11.8 (physiological 8.0, psychological 5.8, and socio-economic subscale score 13.9). TOI-14 scores were higher in the patient cohort, indicating that the TOI-14 discriminates between patients with RT and healthy individuals with no RT. Age and female gender significantly influenced the total TOI-14 score, especially in the psychological (age) and socio-economic (gender) subscales. We have developed a set of normative values that, together with the TOI-14, can determine the disease burden indicating tonsillectomy. We have developed a set of normative values that, together with the TOI-14, can determine the disease burden indicating tonsillectomy. We propose the application of enviromics to breeding practice, by which the similarity among sites assessed on an "omics" scale of environmental attributes drives the prediction of unobserved genotype performances. Genotype by environment interaction (GEI) studies in plant breeding have focused mainly on estimating genetic parameters over a limited number of experimental trials. However, recent geographic information system (GIS) techniques have opened new frontiers for better understanding and dealing with GEI. These advances allow increasing selection accuracy across all sites of interest, including those where experimental trials have not yet been deployed. Here, we introduce the term enviromics, within an envirotypic-assisted breeding framework. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Romidepsin-FK228.html In summary, likewise genotypes at DNA markers, any particular site is characterized by a set of "envirotypes" at multiple "enviromic" markers corresponding to environmental variables that may interact with the genetic background, thus providing informative breedg and powerful statistical modeling of genetic diversity. Disturbed sleep is common among breast cancer survivors. Identifying patients at risk for disturbed sleep and its sequelae will aid in improving screening and intervention strategies to improve sleep and cancer-related quality of life (QOL). Women with stages I-III breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy (N = 415) reported subjectively assessed sleep quality (PSQI) and actigraphy-assessed wake after sleep onset (AAS-WASO), total sleep time (AAS-TST), and sleep efficiency (AAS-SE), sociodemographic, and clinical characteristics and completed questionnaires assessing physical and mental health QOL at study entry and 3, 6, 12, and 15 months later. Being from a racially/ethnically underserved population was associated with poorer sleep in all indices (p's < .04). Lower income was associated with poorer subjective sleep and greater AAS-WASO (p's < .02). BMI was associated with lower AAS-SE (p < .001). Baseline subjective sleep complaints were positively associated with depression, fatigue, and health-related QOL and cancer-related symptoms across follow-up (p's < 0.