ASL showed diminished cortical perfusion (- 2.9 SD) with patent proximal arteries. 2DPC revealed a 69% decrease in renal perfusion. Histological evaluation showed a dense inflammatory infiltrate and fibrotic changes, consistent with mpMRI results. Most interlobular arteries were obliterated while proximal arteries were patent, consistent with ASL findings. mpMRI findings correlated well with histology both globally as well as locally. mpMRI findings correlated well with histology both globally as well as locally. Currently, there are no methods to identify patients with an increased risk of liver metastases to guide patient selection for liver-directed therapies. We tried to determine whether quantitative image features (radiomics) of the liver obtained from preoperative staging CT scans at the time of initial colon resection differ in patients that subsequently develop liver metastases, extrahepatic metastases, or demonstrate prolonged disease-free survival. Patients who underwent resection of stage II/III colon cancer from 2004 to 2012 with available preoperative CT scans were included in this single-institution, retrospective case-control study. Patients were grouped by initial recurrence patterns liver recurrence, extrahepatic recurrence, or no evidence of disease at 5years. Radiomic features of the liver parenchyma extracted from CT images were compared across groups. The cohort consisted of 120 patients divided evenly between three recurrence groups, with an equal number of stage II and III patients in each group. After adjusting for multiple comparisons, 44 of 254 (17%) imaging features displayed different distributions across the three patient groups (p < 0.05), with the clearest distinction between those with liver recurrence and no evidence of disease. Increased heterogeneity in the liver parenchyma by radiomic analysis was protective of liver metastases. CT radiomics is a promising tool to identify patients at high risk of developing liver metastases and is worthy of further investigation and validation. CT radiomics is a promising tool to identify patients at high risk of developing liver metastases and is worthy of further investigation and validation.From March to May 2020, the Italian health care system, as many others, was almost entirely devoted to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, a number of questions arose, from the increased stroke risk due to COVID-19 infection to the quality of stroke patient care. The overwhelming need of COVID-19 patient management made mandatory a complete re-organization of the stroke pathways many health professionals were reallocated and a number of stroke units was turned into COVID-19 wards. As a result, acute stroke care suffered from a shortage of services and delays in time-dependent treatments and diagnostic work-up. In-patient and out-patient care and rehabilitation facilities for stroke survivors were also reduced or slowed down, to direct resources to COVID-19 patients care and to reduce contagion risks. Overall, this is likely to result in a significant future increased burden of complications and disabilities that will impact the health care systems in the coming months. Thus, while still fighting against COVID-19 disease, authorities need to promptly implement robust action plans, including an increase of workforce, without forgetting the assurance of a high level of stroke care. The medical community and the health care administrators should always keep in mind that stroke was before, and will be after the pandemic, a, sometimes, life-threatening condition, and almost always a disease with a severe impact on the quality of life.Vacuolar and plasma membranes were isolated by a detergent-free method from beet roots (Beta vulgaris L.), and were fractionated in a sucrose density gradient of 15-60% by high-speed centrifugation at 200,000×g during 18 h. The membrane material distributed over the sucrose density gradient was analyzed for the presence of lipids characteristic of raft structures in different zones of the gradient. The quantitative and qualitative content of lipids and sterols, and the composition of fatty acids were analyzed. Some membrane structures differing in their biochemical characteristics were revealed to be located in different zones of the sucrose gradient. The results of the analysis allowed us to identify three zones in the sucrose gradient after the vacuolar membrane fractionation and two zones in the plasma membrane where membrane structures, which may be defined as rafts for their lipid composition, were presented. Ventilated vests are developed to reduce thermal stress by enhancing convective and evaporative cooling from skin tissue underneath the vest. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether thermal stress is equal when a ventilated vest is worn compared to a no-vest situation with similar dry thermal resistance. Nine healthy males walked on a treadmill (7 kmh ) for 45min in a desert climate (34°C, 20% relative humidity) with and without ventilated vest. Gastrointestinal temperature (T ), heart rate (HR), and skin temperature (T ) were continuously monitored. Local sweat rate (LSR) was assessed two times on six skin locations. Subjective ratings were assessed every 10min. Final T (37.6 ± 0.1°C for vest and 37.6 ± 0.1°C for no-vest), HR (133 ± 7bpm and 133 ± 9bpm) and mean T (34.8 ± 0.7°C and 34.9 ± 0.6°C) were not different between conditions (p ≥ 0.163). Scapula skin temperature (T ) under the vest tended to be lower (baseline to final ΔT  = 0.35 ± 0.37°C) than without vest (ΔT  = 0.74 ± 0.62°C, p = 0.096). LSR at locations outside the vest did not differ with and without vest (p ≥ 0.271). Likewise, subjective responses did not differ between conditions (χ  ≥ 0.143). We conclude that two systems with similar dry thermal resistance and, therefore, similar required evaporation, resulted in similar thermal stress during paced walking in a hot-dry environment. Local ventilation did not alter the sweating response on locations outside the vest. We conclude that two systems with similar dry thermal resistance and, therefore, similar required evaporation, resulted in similar thermal stress during paced walking in a hot-dry environment. Local ventilation did not alter the sweating response on locations outside the vest.