Since splicing is required for the maturation of certain KSHV transcripts, we suggest that the infected cell does not dismantle nuclear speckles but rearranges their components at the nuclear periphery to possibly serve in splicing and transport of viral RNAs into the cytoplasm.Osteoporosis morphology is characterized by bone resorption and decreases in micro-architecture parameters. Anti-osteoporosis therapy targets osteoclasts because bone resorption is a unique function of osteoclasts. Anti-c-fms antibodies against the receptor for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) inhibit osteoclast formation and bone resorption in vitro and in vivo. However, the effect of anti-c-fms antibodies on bone resorption in ovariectomized (OVX) mice is unknown. In this study, we evaluated the effect of anti-c-fms antibodies on osteoclast formation and bone resorption in osteoblast-osteoclast precursor co-culture in vitro and in OVX mice. Osteoblast and osteoclast precursor co-cultures treated with anti-c-fms antibodies showed significantly inhibited osteoclast formation, while cultures without anti-c-fms antibody treatment showed osteoclast formation. However, anti-c-fms antibodies did not change the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) or osteoprotegrin (OPG) expression during osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation in vitro. These results indicate that anti-c-fms antibodies directly affected osteoclast formation from osteoclast precursors in co-culture. OVX mice were treated with intraperitoneal injections of anti-c-fms antibody. The trabecular bone structure of the femur was assessed by micro-computer tomography. The anti-c-fms antibody inhibited osteoclast formation and bone loss compared with PBS-treated OVX mice. These results indicate potential for the therapeutic application of anti-c-fms antibodies for postmenopausal osteoporosis.The popularity of multiparticulate formulations (MPs) as a paediatric dosage form continues to increase. MPs comprise of multiple small units that are easy-to-swallow. Currently, MPs are commonly manufactured into unit doses that are either swallowed whole or opened prior to administration. While this is an acceptable approach, dosing is envisioned to be optimised with a "standard" paediatric device which can better harness the flexible dosing potential of MPs. We evaluated a novel oral syringe (SympfinyTM, HS Design, Morristown, NJ, USA) that is being developed as a tool to dispense and administer MPs to children. Forty children, 4-12 years old, received 0.5, 1.2, and 2.0 mL doses of placebo MPs using the oral syringe with spring water or a drink of choice to complete sample intake. Acceptability was recorded as those able to completely swallow the dose and participants also rated dose acceptability on a 5-point scale. The ability to completely swallow the dose decreased as dose volume increased; the smallest dose was completely swallowed by 87.5% (35/40) children, and 69.4% (27/39) of children confirmed their willingness to take the sample as a daily medicine. Larger doses, 1.2 and 2.0 mL, gave values of 55% and 57.5% for the doses completely swallowed and 58.8% and 51.72% for willingness to take the sample as a daily medicine, respectively. Use of a drink of choice showed no increase in swallowability as compared with water. The novel oral syringe being developed is an appropriate device for dispensing doses flexibly and administering neutral tasting MPs directly to the mouth in the lower dose range without the need for a co-administration vehicle in children aged 4-12 years.Phagocytosis is an essential mechanism in innate immune defense, and in maintaining homeostasis to eliminate apoptotic cells or microbes, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Salmonella enterica, Streptococcus pyogenes and Legionella pneumophila. After internalizing microbial pathogens via phagocytosis, phagosomes undergo a series of 'maturation' steps, to form an increasingly acidified compartment and subsequently fuse with the lysosome to develop into phagolysosomes and effectively eliminate the invading pathogens. Through this mechanism, phagocytes, including macrophages, neutrophils and dendritic cells, are involved in the processing of microbial pathogens and antigen presentation to T cells to initiate adaptive immune responses. Therefore, phagocytosis plays a role in the bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. However, intracellular bacteria have evolved diverse strategies to survive and replicate within hosts. In this review, we describe the sequential stages in the phagocytosis process. We also discuss the immune evasion strategies used by pathogens to regulate phagosome maturation during intracellular bacterial infection, and indicate that these might be used for the development of potential therapeutic strategies for infectious diseases.The aim of this study was to prepare a low porosity bulk sample with a fine-grained structure from an AlZrTi alloy. Nanostructured powder particles were prepared by mechanical milling of gas atomized powder. The mechanically milled powder was consolidated using spark plasma sintering technology at 475 °C for 6 min using a pressure of 100 MPa. Sintering led to a low porosity sintered sample with a bimodal microstructure. The sintered sample was revealed to be composed of non-recrystallized grains with an approximate size of about 100 nm encompassed by distinct clusters of coarser, micrometer-sized grains. Whereas the larger grains were found to be lean on second phase particles, a high density of second phase particles was found in the areas of fine grains. The microhardness of the milled powder particles was established to be 163 ± 15 HV0.01, which decreased to a slightly lower value of 137 ± 25 HV0.01 after sintering.Oil palm is one of the key industries highly observed in Malaysia, due to its high demand both whether locally or internationally. The oil extraction rate (OER) in palm oil production is used as an element to identify the performance of the mills, estates and producers. In view of this, there are specific instrument or sensor needs to be implemented at the mills especially during the reception of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) transported from the field for oil content processing. This paper aims to study and propose the use of a fruit battery-based oil palm maturity sensor to analyse the effect of the sensor to various parameters. The study utilizes a charging method with different parameters, including a moisture content test on the palm oil samples. Three types of parameters are tested along with the different grades of oil palm fruit from different bunches, such as the load resistance, charging voltage and charging time. The repeatability data of the samples are obtained with the used list of values in each parameter.