for CROF.What do the results of this study add? We show a surprising opposite trend for the risk of CROF in breast cancer patients with GSTA1 and CYP2C19 variants, while we did not show a significant risk for genetic variation in CYP3A4 (which had previously been shown to have a protective effect) or GSTP1.What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? This study shows the complexity of genetic variation in predicting outcomes to treatment. We advocate for future replicative studies to potentially validate GSTA1 and CYP2C19 and definitively negate CYP3A4 and GSTP1 as biomarkers for risk of CROF after cyclophosphamide treatment. Understanding genetic variation in chemotherapy metabolism has the potential to individualise treatment regimens to maximise efficacy and minimise toxicity.We report a case of a 19-year-old woman who ingested Digitalis purpurea leaves as a suicide attempt. She developed gastro-intestinal symptoms, loss of colour vision, cardiac conduction disturbances as well as an elevated serum potassium. Treatment was initiated in analogy to medicinal digoxin poisoning by means of digoxin-specific Fab-fragments with a good effect. However during the further course we faced difficulties of prolonged intestinal absorption and inability to estimate the ingested dose or half-life of the vegetal cardiac glycoside compounds. To prevent further absorption and interrupt enterohepatic recycling, multi-dose activated charcoal was administered. Because of a relapse of cardiac conduction disturbances and hyperkalemia, two supplementary doses of Fab-fragments were given, up to a total dose of nineteen vials (one vial containing 40 mg). The important diagnostic and therapeutic differences of vegetal digitalis intoxication as compared to medicinal intoxication and the applicability of existing guidelines on medicinal digitalis intoxication in the light