Sixteen out of 21 injections at the ischial spine level were on target (76% accuracy), while the approach at Alcock's canal level yielded 17 successful injections (81% accuracy). The difference between the approaches was not statistically significant. There was also no significant difference in accuracy between the operators. Conclusions US-guided injection of the PN can be performed accurately at both the ischial spine and Alcock's canal levels. The difference between the approaches was not statistically significant.Proper regulation of centromeric cohesion is required for faithful chromosome segregation that prevents chromosomal instability. Extensive studies have identified and established the conserved protein Shugoshin (Sgo1/2) as an essential protector for centromeric cohesion. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of how Shugoshin-1 (Sgo1) protects centromeric cohesion at the molecular level. Targeting of Sgo1 to inner centromeres is required for its proper function of cohesion protection. We therefore discuss about the molecular mechanisms that install Sgo1 onto inner centromeres. At metaphase-to-anaphase transition, Sgo1 at inner centromeres needs to be disabled for the subsequent sister-chromatid segregation. A few recent studies suggest interesting models to explain how it is achieved. These models are discussed as well.Objective Emotional awareness and expression therapy (EAET) emphasizes the importance of the central nervous system and emotional processing in the etiology and treatment of chronic pain. Prior trials suggest EAET can substantially reduce pain; however, only one has compared EAET with an established alternative, demonstrating some small advantages over cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for fibromyalgia. The current trial compared EAET with CBT in older, predominately male, ethnically diverse veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Design Randomized comparison trial. Setting Outpatient clinics at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center. Subjects Fifty-three veterans (mean age = 73.5 years, 92.4% male) with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Methods Patients were randomized to EAET or CBT, each delivered as one 90-minute individual session and eight 90-minute group sessions. Pain severity (primary outcome), pain interference, anxiety, and other secondary outcomes were assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and three-month follow-up. Results EAET produced significantly lower pain severity than CBT at post-treatment and follow-up; differences were large (partial η2 = 0.129 and 0.157, respectively). At post-treatment, 41.7% of EAET patients had >30% pain reduction, one-third had >50%, and 12.5% had >70%. Only one CBT patient achieved at least 30% pain reduction. Secondary outcomes demonstrated small to medium effect size advantages of EAET over CBT, although only post-treatment anxiety reached statistical significance. Conclusions This trial, although preliminary, supports prior research suggesting that EAET may be a treatment of choice for many patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Psychotherapy may achieve substantial pain reduction if pain neuroscience principles are emphasized and avoided emotions are processed.The coastal rock pool mosquito, Aedes (Tanakius) togoi (Theobald) (Diptera Culicidae), is found in coastal east Asia in climates ranging from subtropical to subarctic. However, a disjunct population in the Pacific Northwest of North America has an ambiguous heritage. Two potential models explain the presence of Ae. togoi in North America ancient Beringian dispersal or modern anthropogenic introduction. Genetic studies have thus far proved inconclusive. Here we described the putative ancient distribution of Ae. togoi habitat in east Asia and examined the climatic feasibility of a Beringian introduction into North America using modern distribution records and ecological niche modeling of bioclimatic data from the last interglacial period (~120,000 BP), the last glacial maximum (~21,000 BP), and the mid-Holocene (~6000 BP). Our results suggest that suitable climatic conditions existed for Ae. togoi to arrive in North America through natural dispersal as well as to persist there until present times. Furthermore, we find that ancient distributions of suitable Ae. togoi habitat in east Asia may explain the genetic relationships between Ae. togoi populations identified in other studies. These findings indicate the utility of ecological niche modeling as a complementary tool for studying insect phylogeography.The menisci play a vital role in the mechanical function of knee joint. Unfortunately, meniscal tears often occur. Meniscectomy is a surgical treatment for meniscal tears, however, mechanical changes in the knee joint after meniscectomy is a risk factor to osteoarthritis. The objective of this study was to investigate the altered cartilage mechanics of different medial meniscectomies using a poromechanical model of the knee joint. The cartilaginous tissues were modeled as nonlinear fibril-reinforced porous materials with full saturation. A compressive creep load of ¾ body weight was applied in full extension of the right knee during 200 seconds standing. Four finite element models were developed to simulate different meniscectomies of the joint using the intact model as the reference for comparison. The modeling results showed a higher load support in the lateral than medial compartment in the intact joint, and the difference in the load share between the compartments was augmented with medial meniscectomy. Similarly, the contact and fluid pressures were higher in the lateral compartment. On the other hand, the medial meniscus in the normal joint experienced more loading than the lateral one. Furthermore, the contact pressure distribution changed with creep, resulting in a load transfer between cartilage and meniscus within each compartment while the total load born by the compartment remained unchanged. The present study has quantified the altered contact mechanics on the type and size of meniscectomies, which may be used to understand meniscal tear or support surgical decisions.