In conclusion, our findings show that rosuvastatin treatment leads to significant changes in the concentration of each fatty acid, except for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in FFAs. Our observations indicate that cholesterol homeostasis through its regulatory mechanisms appears to be the main cause of changes in the concentration of each plasma fatty acid during rosuvastatin treatment. These changes can be a source of beneficial consequences, in addition to lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in cardiovascular diseases.The treatment of methyl methane sulfonate (MMS) increases sensitivity to the DNA damage which, further leads to the cell death followed by a cell cycle delay. Delay in the cell cycle is because of the change in global transcription regulation which results into proteome change. There are several microarray studies on the transcriptome changes after MMS treatment, but very few studies are reported related to proteome change. The proteome analysis in this report identified subgroups of proteins, belonging to known cell cycle regulators, metabolic pathways and protein folding. About 53 proteins were identified by MS/MS and found that 36 of them were induced, 10 were repressed and few of them showed insignificant change. Our results indicated the change in the interactome as well as phosphorylation status of carboxy terminal domain (CTD) of RNA Polymerase II (RNAP-II) after MMS treatment. The RNAP-II complex was affinity purified and ~1640 peptides were identified using nano LC/MS corresponding to 27 interacting proteins along with the twelve RNAP-II subunit. These identified proteins participated in the repair of the damage, changes the function of the main energetic pathways and the carbon flux in various end products. The main metabolic enzymes in the glycolysis, pyruvate phosphate and amino acid biosynthesis pathways showed significant change. Our results indicate that DNA damage is somehow related to these pathways and is co-regulated simultaneously. Dementia is a growing public health issue for aging Indigenous populations. Current cognitive assessments present varying degrees of cultural, educational, and language bias, impairing their application in Indigenous communities. Our goal is to provide Anishinaabe communities in Canada with a brief cognitive test that can be administered within the community setting by community health workers or professionals. The purpose of this study was to adapt the Kimberly Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (KICA) for use as a brief cognitive test with Anishinaabe populations in Canada. We used a community-based participatory research approach coupled with two-eyed seeing to provide an equitable space for Indigenous knowledge. Adaptation of the KICA was accomplished over 22 months using an iterative cycle of monthly consultations between an 11-member expert Anishinaabe language group (EALG) and the investigators, with ad hoc consultations with an Indigenous Elder, a community advisory council, and the KICA authors. Facoved dementia care for Indigenous peoples. The research resulted in the new Canadian Indigenous Cognitive Assessment. The findings reveal important cultural and linguistic considerations for cross-cultural cognitive assessment in Indigenous contexts. This new culturally appropriate and safe brief cognitive test may improve case finding accuracy and lead to earlier diagnosis and improved dementia care for Indigenous peoples.Sensing neuronal action potential associated magnetic fields (APMFs) is an emerging viable alternative of functional brain mapping. Measurement of APMFs of large axons of worms have been possible due to their size. In the mammalian brain, axon sizes, their numbers and routes, restricts using such functional imaging methods. With a segmented model of mammalian pyramidal neurons, we show that the APMF of intra-axonal currents in the axon hillock are two orders of magnitude larger than other neuronal locations. Expected 2D magnetic field maps of naturalistic spiking activity of a volume of neurons via widefield diamond-nitrogen-vacancy-center-magnetometry were simulated. A dictionary-based matching pursuit type algorithm applied to the data using the axon-hillock's APMF signature allowed spatiotemporal reconstruction of action potentials in the volume of brain tissue at single cell resolution. Enhancement of APMF signals coupled with magnetometry advances thus can potentially replace current functional brain mapping techniques.Social dysfunction is an intractable problem in a wide spectrum of psychiatric illnesses, undermining patients' capacities for employment, independent living, and maintaining meaningful relationships. Identifying common markers of social impairment across disorders and understanding their mechanisms are prerequisites to developing targeted neurobiological treatments that can be applied productively across diagnoses and illness stages to improve functional outcome. This project focuses on eye gaze perception, the ability to accurately and efficiently discriminate others' gaze direction, as a potential biomarker of social functioning that cuts across psychiatric diagnoses. This premise builds on both the monkey and human literatures showing gaze perception as a basic building block supporting higher-level social communication and social development, and reports of abnormal gaze perception in multiple psychiatric conditions accompanied by prominent social dysfunction (e.g., psychosis-spectrum disorders, autism-serception disturbances in psychiatric patients with prominent social dysfunction; (2) Map behavioral indices of gaze perception disturbances to dimensions of psychiatric phenotypes and core functional domains; and (3) Identify the neural correlates of altered gaze perception in psychiatric patients with social dysfunction. Successfully completing these specific aims will identify the specific basic deficits, clinical profile, and underlying neural circuits associated with social dysfunction that can be used to guide targeted, personalized treatments, thus advancing NIMH's Strategic Objective 1 (describe neural circuits associated with mental illnesses and map the connectomes for mental illnesses) and Objective 3 (develop new treatments based on discoveries in neuroscience and behavioral science).