The plaque reduction neutralization test exclusively detects antibodies which neutralize viruses but the procedure is complicated and can only be carried out in secure laboratories (L3). In addition, the importance of these antibodies with respect to immunity against a second infection is uncertain. Thanks to modern techniques thousands of SARS-CoV‑2 sequences are already available, which show a genomic variability. The D614G mutation in the S spikes seems to cause a higher infectiousness. Mutations can impair the diagnostics and treatment, which makes monitoring necessary.Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a beta coronavirus, which first appeared in 2019 and rapidly spread causing a worldwide pandemic. Here we present a nonsystematic review of the current knowledge on its epidemiological features. The SARS-CoV‑2 replicates mainly in the upper and lower respiratory tract and is mainly transmitted by droplets and aerosols from asymptomatic and symptomatic infected subjects. The estimate for the basic reproduction number (R0) is between 2 and 3 and the median incubation period is 6 days (range 2-14 days). Similar to the related coronaviruses SARS and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), superspreading events play an important role in spreading the disease. The majority of infections run an uncomplicated course but 5-10% of those infected develop pneumonia or a systemic inflammation leading to hospitalization, respiratory and potentially multiorgan failure. The most important risk factors for a complicated disease course are age, hypertension, diabetes, chronic cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases and immunodeficiency. The current infection fatality rate over all age groups is between 0.5% and 1% and the rate rises after the sixth decade of life. Nosocomial transmission and infections in medical personnel have been reported. A drastic reduction of social contacts has been implemented in