and instigate further development in this area of research.Cerebral palsy (CP), a group of clinical syndromes caused by non-progressive brain damage in the developing fetus or infant, is one of the most common causes of lifelong physical disability in children in most countries. At present, many researchers believe that perinatal cerebral hypoxic ischemic injury or inflammatory injury are the main causes of cerebral palsy. Previous studies including our works confirmed that melatonin has a protective effect against convulsive brain damage during development and that it affects the expression of various molecules involved in processes such as metabolism, plasticity and signaling in the brain. Integral membrane protein plppr5 is a new member of the plasticity-related protein family, which is specifically expressed in brain and spinal cord, and induces filopodia formation as well as neurite growth. It is highly expressed in the brain, especially in areas of high plasticity, such as the hippocampus. The signals are slightly lower in the cortex, the cerebellum, and in strment in novel object recognition tests, surface righting reflex tests and forelimb suspension reflex tests, which represent learning and memory, motor function and coordination, and the forelimb grip of the mice, respectively. However, a significant main effect of genotype and treatment on performance in all behavioral tests were observed. Specifically, wild-type mice with HI injury performed better than plppr5-/- mice, regardless of treatment with melatonin or vehicle. Moreover, treatment with melatonin could improve behavior in the tests for wild-type mice with HI injury, but not for plppr5-/- mice. This study showed that plppr5 knockout aggravated HI damage and partially weakened the neuroprotection of melatonin in some aspects (such as novel object recognition test and partial nerve reflexes), which deserves further study. Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is an aggressive and rare neoplasm that originates from the cortex of the adrenal gland. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA methylation, the most common form of mRNA modification, has been reported to be correlated with the occurrence and development of the malignant tumor. This study aims to identify the significance of m6A RNA methylation regulators in ACC and construct a m6A based signature to predict the prognosis of ACC patients. RNA-seq data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database was used to identify the expression level of m6A RNA methylation regulators in ACC. An m6A based signature was further constructed and its prognostic and predictive values were assessed by survival analysis and nomogram. 11 m6A RNA regulators were differentially expressed in ACC and three m6A RNA regulators were finally selected in a signature to predict the prognosis of ACC patients. Survival analysis indicated that high risk scores were closely related to poor survival outcomes in ACC patied to confirm our observations and mechanisms underlying prognostic values of these m6A RNA methylation regulators in ACC.Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), one of the most common diseases in older men, adversely affects quality-of-life due to the presence of low urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Numerous data support the presence of an association between BPH-related LUTS (BPH-LUTS) and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Whether hormonal changes occurring in MetS play a role in the pathogenesis of BPH-LUTS is a debated issue. Therefore, this article aimed to systematically review the impact of hormonal changes that occur during aging on the prostate, including the role of sex hormones, insulin-like growth factor 1, thyroid hormones, and insulin. The possible explanatory mechanisms of the association between BPH-LUTS and MetS are also discussed. In particular, the presence of a male polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)-equivalent may represent a possible hypothesis to support this link. Male PCOS-equivalent has been defined as an endocrine syndrome with a metabolic background, which predisposes to the development of type II diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, prostate cancer, BPH and prostatitis in old age. Its early identification would help prevent the onset of these long-term complications. To describe trends in modifiable and non-modifiable unfavorable factors affecting pregnancy outcomes, over time (years 2004-2017), in women with diabetes of childbearing age from an English primary care perspective. We identified women with diabetes aged 16-45 years from the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC) network, an English primary care sentinel database. Repeated annual cross-sectional analyses (2004-2017) assessed the prevalence of unfavorable factors for pregnancy, such as obesity, poor glycaemic control, microalbuminuria, hypertension, use of medications for treating diabetes, and associated comorbidities not recommended for pregnancy. We identified 3,218 women (61.5% with Type 2 diabetes) in 2004 and 6,657 (65.0% with Type 2 diabetes) in 2017. The proportion of women with ideal glycaemic control for conception (HbA1c<6.5%) increased over time, in patients with Type 1 diabetes from 9.0% (7.1%-11.0%) to 19.1% (17.2%-21.1%), and in those with T diabetes have unfavorable, although mostly modifiable, factors for the start of pregnancy. Good diabetes care for women of childbearing age should include taking into consideration a possible pregnancy. Despite significant improvements in general diabetes care, the majority of women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes have unfavorable, although mostly modifiable, factors for the start of pregnancy. Good diabetes care for women of childbearing age should include taking into consideration a possible pregnancy.Bile acids (BAs) are detergents essential for intestinal absorption of lipids. Disruption of BA homeostasis can lead to severe liver damage. BA metabolism is therefore under strict regulation by sophisticated feedback mechanisms. The hormone-like protein Fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19) is essential for maintaining BA homeostasis by down regulating BA synthesis. Here, the impact of both FGF19 and chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) on primary human hepatocytes was investigated and a possible autocrine/paracrine function of FGF19 in regulation of BA synthesis evaluated. Primary human hepatocytes were treated with CDCA, recombinant FGF19 or conditioned medium containing endogenously produced FGF19. RNA sequencing revealed that treatment with CDCA causes deregulation of transcripts involved in BA metabolism, whereas treatment with FGF19 had minor effects. CDCA increased FGF19 mRNA expression within 1 h. We detected secretion of the resulting FGF19 protein into medium, mimicking in vivo observations. Furthermore, medium enriched with endogenously produced FGF19 reduced BA synthesis by down regulating CYP7A1 gene expression.