Converting to for your business or home can have real positive effects on your budget for years to come. On top of that, you will learn that it has impact on the environment in many other ways - ways that you have not thought about. Continue to read to find out how solar power can save you money and make a positive change in your life. Position solar panels on the east or west side of your home or business. Since the sun travels from east to west throughout the day, placing solar panels on areas of your roof that face north or south is a waste. You'll get much better energy returns by following the same path as the sun. You need to think about whether or not solar energy is a good decision for your house. There are several things to keep in mind. If your property is off the main grid, it's possible that solar energy represents an excellent opportunity. It is also a good option if you can afford to invest in it upfront. Be prepared to keep your solar panels clean. The dirtier they get, the less efficient they are at generating power. While it is true that rain and wind can often take care of a lot of this for you, you do need to get up there sometimes and dust them off yourself. You can depend on solar panels. They don't have moving pieces, so when you buy a system, you can rest assured that you will not have to fix anything or buy any new parts. It takes very little effort on your part to create enough energy to power your home, making these systems a very attractive option for most people. Solar water heaters have been around for hundreds of years. For over 50 years people have been using them to heat everything inside and outside the home. Over the years, these solar water heating systems have become much more efficient. If you are located in sunny areas of the country, you should look into buying a solar water system. If you are considering installing a solar panel system, it is important that the panel faces i