Finally, reliable evoked synaptic local field potentials in rat brain slices were recorded using a special SWCNT-polymer-based flexible electrode. Significance The results demonstrate that the SWCNT arrays grafted in MD-PE are suitable for manufacturing flexible devices for subdural ECoG recording and might represent promising candidates for long-term neural implants for epilepsy monitoring or neuroprosthetic BMI.T cells modified with CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) result in significant clinical benefit for leukemia patients but constitute a challenge for manufacturing. We have recently demonstrated the in vivo generation of CD19-CAR T cells using the CD8-targeted lentiviral vector (CD8-LV). In this study, we investigated the in vivo generation of CD4+ CAR T cells using CD4-targeted LV (CD4-LV). Administration of CD4-LV into NSG mice transplanted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) led to 40%-60% of human CD4+ lymphocytes being CAR positive while CD8+ cells remained CAR negative. CAR+ T cells displayed a T helper 1 (Th1)/Th2 phenotype, which was accompanied by CD19+ B cell elimination. Intravenous administration of CD4-LV into NSG mice reconstituted with human CD34+ cells induced CAR expression and B cell elimination within 2-3 weeks post-injection. Preclinical analysis in a tumor mouse model revealed that mice administered CD4-LV exhibited faster and superior tumor cell killing compared to mice injected with CD8-LV alone or as a mixture with CD4-LV. Further analysis suggests that CD4+CAR+ cells may outperform CD8+CAR+ cells, especially at a high burden of target antigen, mainly since CD8 cells are more prone to exhaustion. This first description of in vivo-generated CD4+ CAR T cells supports their importance for cellular therapy.Both cattle (Bos taurus) and sheep (Ovis aries) belong to the Bovidae family but to different subfamilies, Bovinae and Caprinae, respectively. From a chromosomal point of view, apart from the already known centric fusions (that occurred during the evolutionary process in the Bovidae family) and the small differences in the chromosome classification, the 2 karyotypes are very similar in banding patterns. In this study, the combination of bioinformatics techniques and physical mapping of DNA markers enabled the identification of a micro-rearrangement, a small inversion involving bovine chromosome 21 (BTA21) and the corresponding sheep chromosome 18 (OAR18). The aim of this study was the cytogenetic characterization of this difference in genomic assemblies between cattle and sheep in this single chromosome region. To verify the inversion in FISH experiments, we used the BACs 442H08 and 222H03 from the INRA library and BACs 134H22 and 436P08 from the sheep-specific CHORI library. The results confirmed the presence of the inverted fragment in sheep compared to the cattle genome. Genomic rearrangements may have consequences depending on their influence on gene activity, but in this case no gene or transcribed DNA portion seemed to be involved. In conclusion, we showed for the first time, concerning autosomes, that besides the already known centric fusions also other differences exist between the bovine and sheep karyotypes. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the combination of a bioinformatics approach and physical mapping is a valid tool for the identification of currently unknown rearrangements between related species.Class IIa histone deacetylases (HDACs) critically regulate cardiac function through the repression of the activity of myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2)-dependent gene programs. Protein kinase D (PKD) and Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) activate MEF2 by phosphorylating distinct HDAC isoforms and thereby creating 14-3-3 binding sites for nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling. Recently, it has been shown that this process is counteracted by cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent signaling. Here, we investigated the specific mechanisms of how cAMP-dependent signaling regulates distinct HDAC isoforms and determined their relative contributions to the protection from pathological MEF2 activation. We found that cAMP is sufficient to induce nuclear retention and to blunt phosphorylation of the 14-3-3 binding sites of HDAC5 (Ser259/498) and HDAC9 (Ser218/448) but not HDAC4. These regulatory events could be observed only in cardiomyocytes and myocyte-like cells but not in non-myocytes, pointing to an indirect myocyte-specific mode of action. Consistent with one previous report, we found that blunted phosphorylation of HDAC5 and HDAC9 was mediated by protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent inhibition of PKD. However, we show by the use of neonatal cardiomyocytes from genetic HDAC mouse models that endogenous HDAC5 but not HDAC9 contributes specifically to the repression of endogenous MEF2 activity. HDAC4 contributed significantly to the repression of MEF2 activity but based on the mechanistic findings of this study combined with previous results we attribute this to PKA-dependent proteolysis of HDAC4. Consistently, cAMP-induced repression of agonist-driven cellular hypertrophy was blunted in cardiomyocytes deficient for both HDAC5 and HDAC4. In conclusion, cAMP inhibits MEF2 through both nuclear accumulation of hypo-phosphorylated HDAC5 and through a distinct HDAC4-dependent mechanism.In this study, we use some modified semiempirical quantum mechanics (SQM) methods for improving the molecular docking process. To this end, the three popular SQM Hamiltonians, PM6, PM6-D3H4X, and PM7 are employed for geometry optimization of some binding modes of ligands docked into the human cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) by two widely used docking tools, AutoDock and AutoDock Vina. The results were analyzed with two different evaluation metrics the symmetry-corrected heavy-atom RMSD and the fraction of recovered ligand-protein contacts. It is shown that the evaluation of the fraction of recovered contacts is more useful to measure the similarity between two structures when interacting with a protein. It was also found that AutoDock is more successful than AutoDock Vina in producing the correct ligand poses (RMSD≤2.0 Å) and ranking of the poses. It is also demonstrated that the ligand optimization at the SQM level improves the docking results and the SQM structures have a significantly better fit to the observed crystal structures.