This paper is mainly to develop a vitiligo skin disease heating treatment array system based on the principle of both cost and performance. This paper is based on the nonrigid registration algorithm of the FFD model and HPV interpolation and the nonrigid registration algorithm combining shape information and SIFT method. In the focused ultrasound treatment system, the image-guided positioning and monitoring functions are realized. Studies have shown that when the peak voltage of the transmitter circuit is 55 V, the sound power is 0.28 W. It can be seen that the transmitting circuit system designed in this article is a relatively stable and reliable system, which is suitable for the ultrasound treatment of vitiligo skin diseases.Magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging (DTI) provides a unique perspective on the pathophysiological and microstructural changes during spinal cord injury, with high spatial specificity; meanwhile, NM reflects the conduction and integrity of neuroelectrical signals in spinal cord fiber tracts, with time-specific and dynamic evaluation effects. The fractional anisotropy (FA) value, SEP amplitude, and neurological function score or improvement rate are correlated. The combination of DTI and NM can more reliably quantify the spinal cord function, evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, and determine the patient's prognosis, which can provide reference for clinical decision making and future research for SCI patients. That is, the lower the preoperative FA value and the lower the SEP amplitude, the worse the preoperative and postoperative neurological function, the lower the improvement rate, and the worse the prognosis of patients. Therefore, we believe that spinal cord function can be graded according to JOA scores to find the corresponding FA and SEP amplitude ranges and that, by measuring FA and SEP amplitude in the future, we can reverse the assessment of spinal cord function, expected postoperative improvement, and long-term prognosis. At the same time, FA values can also help determine the nature of the lesion to some extent.In decision-making systems, how to measure uncertain information remains an open issue, especially for information processing modeled on complex planes. In this paper, a new complex entropy is proposed to measure the uncertainty of a complex-valued distribution (CvD). The proposed complex entropy is a generalization of Gini entropy that has a powerful capability to measure uncertainty. In particular, when a CvD reduces to a probability distribution, the complex entropy will degrade into Gini entropy. In addition, the properties of complex entropy, including the nonnegativity, maximum and minimum entropies, and boundedness, are analyzed and discussed. Several numerical examples illuminate the superiority of the newly defined complex entropy. Based on the newly defined complex entropy, a multisource information fusion algorithm for decision-making is developed. Finally, we apply the decision-making algorithm in a medical diagnosis problem to validate its practicability.The Italian Law of 22 November 2016 has legalized the cultivation of hemp, which drives the development of sustainable agriculture by generating new products with high added value in the new context of circular economy. Hemp cultivation is known for its low environmental impact, as hemp grows fast, suppresses weeds and does not need pesticides. It has no specialized parasites, favors pollination and improves the physical and chemical soil fertility. Recently, many countries have increased their interest in hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.), considering it as a climate-friendly crop that can mitigate climate change and desertification. For these reasons, hemp can be a new protagonist of Italian agriculture already oriented towards the objectives of EU 2030 which predicts 40% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990. The hemp cultivation can activate a new supply chain by allowing using different parts of the plant, benefiting farmers, environment, and human health. Indeed, although a very old plant, hemp will be one of the main protagonists of the green economy in the near future. Its seeds can be used by agri-food industry to produce flour, pasta, pastry and oil, while the stem through canapulo (woody part of stem) in green building sector. Its fiber (external part of stem) will find new applications in textile industry. As for its inflorescences and roots, thanks to the extraction of bioactive molecules, they will play an important role in the pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical industry. Finally, only the medical sector with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) extraction from inflorescence is not yet regulated by the aforementioned Italian Law.Members of the genus Bifidobacterium are dominant and symbiotic inhabitants of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract. Being vertically transmitted, bifidobacterial host colonization commences immediately after birth and leads to a phase of host infancy during which bifidobacteria are highly prevalent and abundant to then transit to a reduced, yet stable abundance phase during host adulthood. However, in order to reach and stably colonize their elective niche, i.e. the large intestine, bifidobacteria have to cope with a multitude of oxidative, osmotic and bile salt/acid stress challenges that occur along the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Concurrently, bifidobacteria not only have to compete with the myriad of other gut commensals for nutrient acquisition, but they also require protection against bacterial viruses. In this context, Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques, allowing large-scale comparative and functional genome analyses have helped to identify the genetic strategies that bifidobacteria have developed in order to colonize, survive and adopt to the highly competitive mammalian gastrointestinal environment. The current review is aimed at providing a comprehensive overview concerning the molecular strategies on which bifidobacteria rely to stably and successfully colonize the mammalian gut.In silico methods like molecular docking and pharmacophore modeling are established strategies in lead identification. Their successful application for finding new active molecules for a target is reported by a plethora of studies. However, once a potential lead is identified, lead optimization, with the focus on improving potency, selectivity, or pharmacokinetic parameters of a parent compound, is a much more complex task. Even though in silico molecular modeling methods could contribute a lot of time and cost-saving by rationally filtering synthetic optimization options, they are employed less widely in this stage of research. In this review, we highlight studies that have successfully used computer-aided SAR analysis in lead optimization and want to showcase sound methodology and easily accessible in silico tools for this purpose.