ISC-specific deletion of Hsp60 and inhibition of mitochondrial respiration linked mitochondrial function to the aberrant PC phenotype. Consistent with reduced stemness in vivo, crypts from inflamed TNFΔARE mice fail to grow into organoids ex vivo. Dichloroacetate-mediated inhibition of glycolysis, forcing cells to shift to mitochondrial respiration, improved ISC niche function and rescued the ability of TNFΔARE mice-derived crypts to form organoids. CONCLUSION We provide evidence that inflammation-associated mitochondrial dysfunction in the intestinal epithelium triggers a metabolic imbalance, causing reduced stemness and acquisition of a dysfunctional PC phenotype. Blocking glycolysis might be a novel drug target to antagonise PC dysfunction in the pathogenesis of CD. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVE Microscopic colitis (MC) encompasses the two histopathological distinct entities of collagenous colitis (CC) and lymphocytic colitis (LC). In this Danish population-based cohort study, we examined the risk of MC following stool culture with Campylobacter concisus, C. jejuni, non-typhoidal Salmonella or a culture-negative stool test. DESIGN We identified patients with a first-time positive stool culture with C. concisus, C. jejuni, non-typhoidal Salmonella or negative stool test, from 2009 through 2013 in North Denmark Region, Denmark, and matched each with 10 population comparisons. All subjects were followed up until 1 March 2018 using Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine codes from The Danish Pathology Register for incident diagnoses of CC and LC. We computed risk and adjusted HRs with 95% CIs for MC among patients and comparisons. RESULTS We identified 962 patients with C. concisus, 1725 with C. jejuni, 446 with Salmonella and 11 825 patients with culture-negative stools. The MC risk and HR versus comparisons were high for patients with C. concisus (risk 6.2%, HR 32.4 (95% CI 18.9 to 55.6)), less for C. jejuni (risk 0.6%, HR 3.7 (95% CI 1.8 to 7.7)), low for Salmonella (risk 0.4%, HR 2.2 (95% CI 0.5 to 10.8)) and for patients with negative stool testing (risk 3.3%, HR 19.6 (95% CI 16.4 to 23.4)). After exclusion of the first year of follow-up, the HRs were 9.3 (95% CI 4.1 to 20.1), 2.2 (95% CI 0.9 to 5.4), 1.3 (95% CI 0.2 to 11.1) and 5.6 (95% CI 4.6 to 7.2), respectively. CONCLUSION A high risk of MC was observed following C. concisus in stools. Further studies are needed to elucidate any underlying biological mechanisms. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVES Lipid mediators in the GI tract regulate satiation and satiety. Bile acids (BAs) regulate the absorption and metabolism of dietary lipid in the intestine, but their effects on lipid-regulated satiation and satiety are completely unknown. Investigating this is challenging because introducing excessive BAs or eliminating BAs strongly impacts GI functions. We used a mouse model (Cyp8b1-/- mice) with normal total BA levels, but alterations in the composition of the BA pool that impact multiple aspects of intestinal lipid metabolism. We tested two hypotheses BAs affect food intake by (1) regulating production of the bioactive lipid oleoylethanolamide (OEA), which enhances satiety; or (2) regulating the quantity and localisation of hydrolysed fat in small intestine, which controls gastric emptying and satiation. DESIGN We evaluated OEA levels, gastric emptying and food intake in wild-type and Cyp8b1-/- mice. We assessed the role of the fat receptor GPR119 in these effects using Gpr119-/- mice. RESULTS Cyp8b1-/- mice on a chow diet showed mild hypophagia. Jejunal OEA production was blunted in Cyp8b1-/- mice, thus these data do not support a role for this pathway in the hypophagia of Cyp8b1-/- mice. On the other hand, Cyp8b1 deficiency decreased gastric emptying, and this was dependent on dietary fat. GPR119 deficiency normalised the gastric emptying, gut hormone levels, food intake and body weight of Cyp8b1-/- mice. CONCLUSION BAs regulate gastric emptying and satiation by determining fat-dependent GPR119 activity in distal intestine. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.Centromeric localization of CENP-A (Cse4 in S. cerevisiae, CID in flies, CENP-A in humans) is essential for faithful chromosome segregation. Mislocalization of overexpressed CENP-A contributes to aneuploidy in yeast, flies, humans and is proposed to promote tumorigenesis in human cancers. Hence, defining molecular mechanisms that promote or prevent mislocalization of CENP-A is an area of active investigation. In budding yeast, evolutionarily conserved histone chaperones Scm3 and chromatin assembly factor-1 (CAF-1) promote localization of Cse4 to centromeric and non-centromeric regions, respectively. Ubiquitin ligases such as Psh1 and Slx5 and histone chaperones (HIR complex) regulate proteolysis of overexpressed Cse4 and prevent its mislocalization to non-centromeric regions. In this study, we have identified sumoylation sites lysine (K) 215/216 in the C-terminus of Cse4 and shown that sumoylation of Cse4 K215/216 facilitates its genome-wide deposition into chromatin when overexpressed. Our results showed reduced levels of sumoylation of mutant Cse4 K215/216R/A (K changed to arginine (R) or alanine (A)) and reduced interaction of mutant Cse4 K215/215R/A with Scm3 and CAF-1 when compared to wild type Cse4. Consistent with these results, levels of Cse4 K215/216R/A in the chromatin fraction and localization to centromeric and non-centromeric regions were reduced. Furthermore, in contrast to GAL-CSE4 which exhibits Synthetic Dosage Lethality (SDL) in psh1∆, slx5∆, and hir2∆ strains, GAL-cse4 K215/216R does not exhibit SDL in these strains. Taken together, our results show that deposition of Cse4 into chromatin is facilitated by its C-terminal sumoylation. Copyright © 2020, Genetics.The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is one of the key model systems in biology, including possessing the first fully assembled animal genome. Whereas C. elegans is a self-reproducing hermaphrodite with fairly limited within-population variation, its relative C. remanei is an outcrossing species with much more extensive genetic variation, making it an ideal parallel model system for evolutionary genetic investigations. Here, we greatly improve on previous assemblies by generating a chromosome-level assembly of the entire C. remanei genome (124.8 Mb of total size) using long-read sequencing and chromatin conformation capture data. Like other fully assembled genomes in the genus, we find that the C. remanei genome displays a high degree of synteny with C. elegans despite multiple within-chromosome rearrangements. Both genomes have high gene density in central regions of chromosomes relative to chromosome ends and the opposite pattern for the accumulation of repetitive elements. C. elegans and C. remanei also show similar patterns of inter-chromosome interactions, with the central regions of chromosomes appearing to interact with one another more than the distal ends.