It is hoped that through this systematic exploration of the EAM team practice, learning efficacy and efficiency will be improved and remain adaptable for challenges in the future.The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has altered the undergraduate learning experience for many students across Canada. Medical education is no exception; clinical programs, in-person lectures, and mandatory hands-on activities have been suspended to adhere to social distancing guidelines. As remote teaching becomes the forefront of education, medical curricula have been forced to adapt accordingly in order to fulfill the core competencies of medical training and to provide quality education to medical students. With that in mind, the COVID-19 crisis offers a unique opportunity to evaluate the current "continuity plans" in medical education as they stand. This paper provides the perspective of medical students on how medical education is changing for both pre-clerkship and clerkship students, using their experience at McGill University as an example for the Canadian medical education system. Additionally, we discuss the accommodations put forth by the undergraduate medical education (UGME) office, and reflect on the limitations and sustainable solutions in supporting quality medical education.Climate change is a well-recognized threat to human health with impacts on every organ system and with implications for disease processes across subspecialties. Climate-driven environmental exposures influence the pathophysiologic underpinnings of disease emphasized in the pre-clinical years of medical school. While medical schools are beginning to offer climate change and health electives, medical education is lagging in providing fundamental climate-and-health content to adequately prepare the next generation of physicians for the challenges that they will face in the provision of healthcare and the prevention and treatment of disease. This perspective piece highlights the unique role of medical students in catalyzing the incorporation of climate content into the pre-clinical medical school curriculum and provides topics for disseminated curricular integration with the concepts emphasized in the pre-clinical years of medical education. We aimed to evaluate the outcomes of tracheal window resection and reconstruction using a vascularized periosteal flap (intended for calcification) harvested from the medial clavicle. This is one of several surgical techniques for tracheal resection and reconstruction used for patients with thyroid carcinoma invading the trachea. Importantly, in partial tracheal resection postoperative dynamic airway collapse must be prevented. Reconstruction of the tracheal defect with a vascularized periosteal flap is one method of achieving a stable airway. Twelve patients with locally advanced thyroid carcinoma who underwent tracheal resection and reconstruction at Oslo University Hospital from 2004 to 2017 were studied retrospectively. The primary outcome was a stable airway not requiring airway stenting. The secondary outcomes were the time to decannulation, morbidity, and survival. Eleven of 12 patients did not require airway stenting postoperatively after a median of 111 days. Seven patients developed postoperative complications. The median observation time was 74.8 months (range 10.5-153.5) for all patients. The median disease-free survival was 40 months (range 0-147). By February 1, 2020, seven patients were alive, of whom five showed no evidence of disease. Tracheal reconstruction with a vascularized periosteal flap yielded good results in terms of establishing a stable airway. This procedure is a viable reconstructive option that allows for decannulation by preventing airway collapse, thereby potentially mitigating the need for end-to-end (ETE) anastomosis or sleeve resections. For selected patients, this procedure may prevent local fatal complications from thyroid cancer invading the trachea. Level 4. Level 4. If bilateral thyroid surgery is planned and staged thyroidectomy considered in case of loss of neuromonitoring signal (LOS), a waiting time of 20 minutes is suggested for evaluation of early nerve recovery. This recommendation is based on clinical observations and has not been thoroughly validated experimentally. Sixteen pigs were randomly studied, and electromyogram (EMG) was continuously recorded during traction injury until an amplitude decrease of 70% from baseline (BL) (16 nerves) or LOS (16 nerves), and further during 40-minute recovery time. At the end of the experiments, vocal cord twitch was evaluated by video-laryngoscopy. In the 70% group, 8 of 16 nerves recovered to or above an amplitude of 50% of baseline after 20 minutes and finally one more after 40 minutes. In the LOS group, only one nerve showed recovery after 20 minutes and one more after 40 minutes. Video-laryngoscopy revealed good or strong vocal cord twitches, in 10 of 14 nerves in the 70% group and in only 2 of 14 nerves in the LOStigation. Gravity perception is an essential function for spatial orientation and postural stability; however, its assessment is not easy. We evaluated the head-tilt perception gain (HTPG, that is, mean perceptual gain [perceived/actual tilt angle] during left or right head roll-tilt conditions) and head-upright subjective visual vertical (SVV) using a simple method developed by us to investigate the characteristics of gravity perception in healthy participants. We measured the SVV and head roll-tilt angle during head roll-tilt within ±30° of vertical in the sitting and standing positions while the participant maintained an upright trunk (sitting, 434 participants; standing, 263 participants). We evaluated the head-upright SVV, HTPG, and laterality of the HTPG. We determined the reference ranges of the absolute head-upright SVV (<2.5°), HTPG (0.80-1.25), and HTPG laterality (<10%) for the sitting position. The head-upright SVV and HTPG laterality were not influenced by sex or age. However, the HTPG was significantly greater in women than in men and in middle-aged (30-64 years) and elderly (65-88 years) participants than in young participants (18-29 years). The HTPG, but not the head-upright SVV or HTPG laterality, was significantly higher in the standing vs sitting position. The HTPG is a novel parameter of gravity perception involving functions of the peripheral otolith and neck somatosensory systems to the central nervous system. The HTPG in healthy participants is influenced by age and sex in the sitting position and immediately increases after standing to reinforce the righting reflex for unstable posture, which was not seen in the head-upright SVV, previously considered the only parameter. 4.