Finally, bird individuals and species having more bacteria also tended to held larger abundances of fungi. Our results suggest a quite complex explanation for stylosphere microorganisms' abundance, being shaped by bird individual and species traits, as well as environmental factors, and likely bacteria-fungi interactions. Obesity-related non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are two main causes of end-stage liver disease requiring a liver transplantation. Studies exploring bariatric surgery in the liver transplantation setting have increased in recent years; however, a systematic analysis of the topic is lacking to date. This meta-analysis was conducted to explore the perioperative and long-term outcomes of bariatric surgery in obese patients undergoing liver transplantation. Electronic databases were systematically searched for studies reporting bariatric surgery in patients undergoing liver transplantation. The primary outcomes were postoperative complications and mortality. We also extracted data about excess weight loss, body mass index, and improvement of comorbidities after bariatric surgery. A total of 96 patients from 8 articles were included. Bariatric surgery-related morbidity and mortality rates were 37% (95% CI 0.27-0.47) and 0.6% (95% CI 0.02-0.13), respectively. Body mass index at 24months was 31.02 (95% CI 25.96-36.09) with a percentage excess weight loss at 12 and 24months of 44.08 (95% CI 27.90-60.26) and 49.2 (95% CI 31.89-66.66), respectively. After bariatric surgery, rates of improvement of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus were 61% (95% CI 0.45-0.75) and 45% (95% CI 0.25-0.66), respectively. In most patients, bariatric surgery was performed after liver transplant and the most frequent technique was sleeve gastrectomy. Bariatric surgery can be performed safely in the setting of liver transplantation resulting in improvement of obesity-related comorbidities. The optimal timing and technique require further studies. Bariatric surgery can be performed safely in the setting of liver transplantation resulting in improvement of obesity-related comorbidities. The optimal timing and technique require further studies.Desmosomes are cell-cell junctions responsible for mechanically integrating adjacent cells. Due to the small size of the junctions, their protein architecture cannot be elucidated using conventional fluorescence microscopy. Super-resolution microscopy techniques, including dSTORM, deliver higher-resolution images which can reveal the localization or arrangement of proteins within individual desmosomes. Herein we describe an imaging and analysis method to determine the nanoscale architecture of desmosomes using super-resolution dSTORM. Micro-implant-assisted expanders have shown significant effects on the mid-face, including a degree of asymmetry. The aim of this study is to quantify the magnitude, parallelism, and asymmetry of this type of expansion in non-growing patients. A retrospective study on a sample of 31 non-growing patients with an average age of 20.4 years old, with cone beam computed tomography images taken before and right after expansion using maxillary skeletal expander (MSE) were assessed for skeletal expansion at three landmarks bilaterally. Average magnitude of total expansion was 4.98 mm at the anterior nasal spine (ANS) and 4.77 mm at the posterior nasal spine (PNS) which showed statistical significance using a paired t test with p < 0.01. Average expansion at the PNS was 95% of that at the ANS. The sample was divided into symmetric (n = 15) and asymmetric (n = 16) based on the difference in expansion at the ANS, with 16 out of 31 patients exhibiting statistically significant asymmetry. MSE achieves distinctly parallel expansion in the sagittal plane but can exhibit asymmetrical expansion in the transverse plane. MSE achieves distinctly parallel expansion in the sagittal plane but can exhibit asymmetrical expansion in the transverse plane. This review provides an overview of recent research which uses social media data in the context of mental health. It also provides an overview of challenges in relation to consent, privacy, and usage of such data. A broad range of research has been conducted in recent years, using text-based and visual data from social media platforms, for purposes such as risk detection at the individual level, providing crisis outreach, and developing a better understanding of the lived experience of mental ill-health. Challenges remain in relation to obtaining truly informed consent for research using social media data-however platforms allowing data donation may address these concerns. There is an imperative need to ensure that privacy is preserved at all stages of the research process, from data collection, to analysis, and the responsible use of raw data in publications. A broad range of research has been conducted in recent years, using text-based and visual data from social media platforms, for purposes such as risk detection at the individual level, providing crisis outreach, and developing a better understanding of the lived experience of mental ill-health. Challenges remain in relation to obtaining truly informed consent for research using social media data-however platforms allowing data donation may address these concerns. There is an imperative need to ensure that privacy is preserved at all stages of the research process, from data collection, to analysis, and the responsible use of raw data in publications.Ivermectin and fipronil have been used regularly to control the hard tick Hyalomma anatolicum (Acari Ixodidae) in domestic ruminants for more than a half-decade in Balochistan, Pakistan. Inappropriate and indiscriminate use of these acaricides has resulted in the development of resistances in tick species. In this work, acaricides (ivermectin and fipronil) resistance was evaluated in H. anatolicum through in vitro and in vivo bioassays in a horse farm of Quetta, Balochistan province, Pakistan. A participatory epidemiological survey was conducted to assess potential risk factors associated with the development of acaricide resistance in H. anatolicum. The results of the epidemiological survey revealed that the horse keepers did not follow the manufacturer's instructions for the use of acaricides and applied indiscriminate doses of acaricides. The results of in vitro bioassays (adult immersion test and larval immersion test) showed that fipronil and ivermectin have protective efficacy against H. anatolicum. The results of in vivo bioassay (adult-tick mortality assay) revealed that fipronil had a higher efficacy (78.