Since the publication of the Solanaceae treatment in "Flora Argentina" in 2013 exploration in the country and resolution of outstanding nomenclatural and circumscription issues has resulted in a number of changes to the species of the Morelloid clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) for Argentina. Here we describe three new species Solanum hunzikeri Chiarini & Cantero, sp. nov., from wet high elevation areas in Argentina (Catamarca, Salta and Tucumán) and Bolivia (Chuquisaca and Tarija), S. marmoratum Barboza & S. Knapp, sp. nov., from central Argentina in Catamarca, La Pampa, La Rioja, San Juan and San Luis, and S. tiinae Barboza & S. Knapp, sp. nov., from the mountains of Jujuy, La Rioja, Salta and Tucumán. We provide descriptions, illustrations and distribution maps for all new taxa. A table of nomenclatural changes and additional taxa now known to occur in Argentina summarizes additions and changes since the "Flora Argentina". We also provide an updated key, including all new taxa for the country, to facilitate identification and further exploration.Plagiothecium mauiense was first described in 1927 by V.F. Brotherus, based on materials from Hawaii. It has, so far been, treated as a separate species. A detailed analysis of the original material housed in the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY01256708) found the specimen to be characterised by a lack of metallic lustre; concave, asymmetrical, lanceolate to lanceolate-ovate leaves, shrunken in their dry condition; a straight, not denticulate, acute to apiculate apex; elongate-hexagonal cells in irregular transverse rows, 101-131 × 15-21 µm at mid-leaf; very lax areolation, with decurrencies composed of three rows of cells. These characteristics indicate that this species is identical to the original material of P. longisetum (e.g. H-SOL 1563 011; PC0132572). Hence, we propose that P. mauiense should be recognised as a new synonym of P. longisetum. In addition, a rev