Fort Rucker is the primary flight-training base for Army Aviation and is home to the U.S. Army Aviation Warfighting Center and the U.S. Army Aviation Museum. Fort Rucker is often referred to as "Mother Rucker", both as an insulting pseudo-homonym, and in deference to the birth of an Army Aviator's career and his or her constant return to the post for continued training. It is common knowledge in an Army Aviation career that "Everyone returns to Mother Rucker". My first visit here would certainly prove to be a "Mother Rucker" for me! The major idea with Peer-to-Peer Lending is that you will usually find lower rates plus you avoid much of the complications that occur when you go through a bank. "P to P" lending is not a haven for those with bad credit or those seeking to avoid scrutiny; but it might be something to get your started. JD Truck Training Centre People parks (not dog parks) are an excellent place for socialization. As as dogs are allowed on leash, take puppy and let him see the walkers, joggers, bikers and wild life that abounds. Another benefit to parks is the exposure to multiple flooring surfaces. A typical park offers grass, concrete, gravel, wood and pine straw. Parks such as Shelley Lake in Raleigh offer all of this plus wood-plank bridges, a playground where puppy can meet some kids and of course, the lake. This is a socialization extravaganza! All during this time the Korean War came and went from 1950 through 1953. Our company was never called back to active duty as many active reserve outfits were. During the ensuing years I met quite a few guys, one year draft dodgers as well, who were called back and spent active duty time either in Germany or on the Korean front. One was a future brother-in-law who was recalled and spent time in Germany. Some students had a problem with this, complaining that we were like automatons and that we weren't learning "how to drive a truck." Well, it was true. But the point