Gynecological cancers are among the leading causes of cancer-associated mortality worldwide. While the number of cases are rising, current therapeutic approaches are not efficient enough. There are considerable side-effects as well as treatment resistant types. In addition, which all make the treatment complicated for afflicted cases. Therefore, in order to improve efficacy of the treatment process and patients' quality of life, searching for novel adjuvant treatments is highly warranted. Curcumin, a promising natural compound, is endowed with numerous therapeutic potentials including significant anticancer effects. Recently, various investigations have demonstrated the anticancer effects of curcumin and its novel analogues on gynecological cancers. Moreover, novel formulations of curcumin have resulted in further propitious effects. This review discusses these studies and highlights the possible underlying mechanisms of the observed effects. Despite being one of the few evidence-based treatments for acute ischemic stroke, intravenous thrombolysis has low implementation rates-mainly due to a narrow therapeutic window and the health system changes required to deliver it within the recommended time. This systematic review and meta-analyses explores the differential effectiveness of intervention strategies aimed at improving the rates of intravenous thrombolysis based on the number and type of behaviour change wheel functions employed. The following databases were searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and SCOPUS. Multiple authors independently completed study selection and extraction of data. The review included studies that investigated the effects of intervention strategies aimed at improving the rates of intravenous thrombolysis and/or onset-to-needle, onset-to-door and door-to-needle time for thrombolysis in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Interventions were coded according to the behaviour change wheel nomenclature. Study quality wthrombolysis rates. However, the study results should be interpreted with caution, as they display high heterogeneity and publication bias. There was no evidence for preferring one type of behaviour change intervention strategy, nor for including multiple strategies in improving thrombolysis rates. However, the study results should be interpreted with caution, as they display high heterogeneity and publication bias. The spread of tau pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is mediated by cell-to-cell transmission of pathological tau seeds released from neurons that, upon internalization by recipient neurons, template the misfolding of naïve cellular tau, thereby propagating fibrillization. We hypothesize that anti-tau monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that selectively bind to pathological tau seeds will inhibit propagation of tau aggregates and reduce the spread of tau pathology in vivo. We inoculated mice with human AD brain-derived extracts containing tau paired helical filaments (AD-tau) and identified two novel mAbs, DMR7 and SKT82, that selectively bind to a misfolded pathological conformation of tau relative to recombinant tau monomer. To evaluate the effects of these mAbs on the spread of pathological tau in vivo, 5xFAD mice harboring significant brain Aβ plaque burden were unilaterally injected with AD-tau in the hippocampus, to initiate the formation of neuritic plaque (NP) tau pathology, and were treated weekly wireduced tau pathology in the ipsilateral hippocampus by 24.2%; p = 0.044. These findings demonstrate that conformation-selective tau mAbs, DMR7 and SKT82, inhibit tau pathology in primary neurons by preventing the uptake of tau seeds and reduce tau pathology in vivo, providing potential novel therapeutic candidates for the treatment of AD. These findings demonstrate that conformation-selective tau mAbs, DMR7 and SKT82, inhibit tau pathology in primary neurons by preventing the uptake of tau seeds and reduce tau pathology in vivo, providing potential novel therapeutic candidates for the treatment of AD. Diabetes foot ulcer is a devastating and much-feared complication of diabetes. Diabetes foot ulcerations which developed gangrene can take weeks or months to heal and can sometimes not heal at all so that amputation for non-traumatic causes is a frequent outcome in the diabetic foot. Despite this, there is no finding on predictors of the amputation rate of diabetes foot ulcers in Ethiopia. Hence this study was aimed to identify factors associated with the amputation rate of diabetes foot ulcer patients in Nekemte referral hospital. A prospective observational study was conducted among adult diabetes foot ulcer patients admitted to Nekemte referral hospital from March 15 to June 15, 2018. A pus swab was obtained from the ulcers before any ulcer cleaning to conduct gram staining. The primary outcome was the amputation rate. Cox regression analysis was used to estimate the hazard ratios and time from study entry to healing was evaluated as censored event times by Kaplan-Meier curves. Over the study period,and higher grades of the foot ulcer. Therefore, the presence of clinical pharmacists plays a pivotal role to promote the appropriate use of antibiotics and besides the daily care, special attention should be given for patients having an advanced grade of diabetes foot ulcer. The amputation rate of diabetes foot ulcers was rapid for patients prescribed inappropriate antibiotics and higher grades of the foot ulcer. Therefore, the presence of clinical pharmacists plays a pivotal role to promote the appropriate use of antibiotics and besides the daily care, special attention should be given for patients having an advanced grade of diabetes foot ulcer. To ascertain the number of paediatric deaths (0-14years) with an underlying rare disease in the Republic of Ireland between the years 2006-2016, and to analyse bed usage by a paediatric cohort of rare disease inpatients prior to in-hospital death. Rare diseases are often chronically debilitating and sometimes life-threatening diseases, with the majority (69.9%) of rare diseases being of paediatric onset. The Orphanet database contains information on 6172 unique rare diseases. Under-representation of rare diseases in hospital healthcare coding systems leads to a paucity of rare disease epidemiological data required for healthcare planning. Studies have cited variable incidence rates for rare disease, however the burden of rare diseases to healthcare services still remains unclear. This study represents a thorough effort to identify the percentage of child mortality and paediatric bed usage attributable to rare diseases in the Republic of Ireland, thus addressing a major gap in the rare disease field. Retrospective analysis of paediatric death registration details for the Republic of Ireland in the 11-year period 2006-2016 from the National Paediatric Mortality Register.