An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I molecules selectively bind peptides for presentation to cytotoxic T cells. The peptide-free state of these molecules is not well understood. Here, we characterize a disulfide-stabilized version of the human class I molecule HLA-A*0201 that is stable in the absence of peptide and can readily exchange cognate peptides. We present X-ray crystal structures of the peptide-free state of HLA-A*0201, together with structures that have dipeptides bound in the A and F pockets. These structural snapshots reveal that the amino acid side chains lining the binding pockets switch in a coordinated fashion between a peptide-free unlocked state and a peptide-bound locked state. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the opening and closing of the F pocket affects peptide ligand conformations in adjacent binding pockets. We propose that peptide binding is co-determined by synergy between the binding pockets of the MHC molecule.The tripartite-motif protein, TRIM5α, is an innate immune sensor that potently restricts retrovirus infection by binding to human immunodeficiency virus capsids. Higher-ordered oligomerization of this protein forms hexagonally patterned structures that wrap around the viral capsid, despite an anomalously low affinity for the capsid protein (CA). Several studies suggest TRIM5α oligomerizes into a lattice with a symmetry and spacing that matches the underlying capsid, to compensate for the weak affinity, yet little is known about how these lattices form. Using a combination of computational simulations and electron cryo-tomography imaging, we reveal the dynamical mechanisms by which these lattices self-assemble. Constrained diffusion allows the lattice to reorganize, whereas defects form on highly curved capsid surfaces to alleviate strain and lattice symmetry mismatches. Statistical analysis localizes the TRIM5α binding interface at or near the CypA binding loop of CA. These simulations elucidate the molecular-scale mechanisms of viral capsid cellular compartmentalization by TRIM5α.Mining, water-reservoir impoundment, underground gas storage, geothermal energy exploitation and hydrocarbon extraction have the potential to cause rock deformation and earthquakes, which may be hazardous for people, infrastructure and the environment. Restricted access to data constitutes a barrier to assessing and mitigating the associated hazards. Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards (TCS AH) of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) provides a novel e-research infrastructure. The core of this infrastructure, the IS-EPOS Platform ( connected to international data storage nodes offers open access to large grouped datasets (here termed episodes), comprising geoscientific and associated data from industrial activity along with a large set of embedded applications for their efficient data processing, analysis and visualization. The novel team-working features of the IS-EPOS Platform facilitate collaborative and interdisciplinary scientific research, public understanding of science, citizen science applications, knowledge dissemination, data-informed policy-making and the teaching of anthropogenic hazards related to georesource exploitation. TCS AH is one of 10 thematic core services forming EPOS, a solid earth science European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) ( emergence of small open reading frame (sORF)-encoded peptides (SEPs) is rapidly expanding the known proteome at the lower end of the size distribution. Here, we show that the mitochondrial proteome, particularly the respiratory chain, is enriched for small proteins. Using a prediction and validation pipeline for SEPs, we report the discovery of 16 endogenous nuclear encoded, mitochondrial-localized SEPs (mito-SEPs). Through functional prediction, proteomics, metabolomics and metabolic flux modeling, we demonstrate that BRAWNIN, a 71 a.a. peptide encoded by C12orf73, is essential for respiratory chain complex III (CIII) assembly. In human cells, BRAWNIN is induced by the energy-sensing AMPK pathway, and its depletion impairs mitochondrial ATP production. In zebrafish, Brawnin deletion causes complete CIII loss, resulting in severe growth retardation, lactic acidosis and early death. Our findings demonstrate that BRAWNIN is essential for vertebrate oxidative phosphorylation. We propose that mito-SEPs are an untapped resource for essential regulators of oxidative metabolism.Cancer chemotherapy targeting frequent loss of heterozygosity events is an attractive concept, since tumor cells may lack enzymatic activities present in normal constitutional cells. To find exploitable targets, we map prevalent genetic polymorphisms to protein structures and identify 45 nsSNVs (non-synonymous small nucleotide variations) near the catalytic sites of 17 enzymes frequently lost in cancer. For proof of concept, we select the gastrointestinal drug metabolic enzyme NAT2 at 8p22, which is frequently lost in colorectal cancers and has a common variant with 10-fold reduced activity. Small molecule screening results in a cytotoxic kinase inhibitor that impairs growth of cells with slow NAT2 and decreases the growth of tumors with slow NAT2 by half as compared to those with wild-type NAT2. Most of the patient-derived CRC cells expressing slow NAT2 also show sensitivity to 6-(4-aminophenyl)-N-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)pyrazin-2-amine (APA) treatment. These findings indicate that the therapeutic index of anti-cancer drugs can be altered by bystander mutations affecting drug metabolic genes.Lipin/Pah phosphatidic acid phosphatases (PAPs) generate diacylglycerol to regulate triglyceride synthesis and cellular signaling. Inactivating mutations cause rhabdomyolysis, autoinflammatory disease, and aberrant fat storage. Disease-mutations cluster within the conserved N-Lip and C-Lip regions that are separated by 500-residues in humans. To understand how the N-Lip and C-Lip combine for PAP function, we determined crystal structures of Tetrahymena thermophila Pah2 (Tt Pah2) that directly fuses the N-Lip and C-Lip. Tt Pah2 adopts a two-domain architecture where the N-Lip combines with part of the C-Lip to form an immunoglobulin-like domain and the remaining C-Lip forms a HAD-like catalytic domain. An N-Lip C-Lip fusion of mouse lipin-2 is catalytically active, which suggests mammalian lipins function with the same domain architecture as Tt Pah2. HDX-MS identifies an N-terminal amphipathic helix essential for membrane association. Disease-mutations disrupt catalysis or destabilize the protein fold. This illustrates mechanisms for lipin/Pah PAP function, membrane association, and lipin-related pathologies.