Determining the effects of aging, time to recover, as well as post-stroke memantine treatment in delayed thalamic gliosis right after cortical infarct. ssociated with mortality whereas previous use of rheumatic medication did not. Inflammation is closely related to severity of COVID-19. Key Points • Most patients recover from COVID-19. • The use of DMARDs, corticosteroids and biologic agents did not increase the odds of mortality in our study. • Rheumatic disease activity might be associated with mortality. Under times of supply chain stress, the availability of some medical equipment and supplies may become limited. The current pandemic involving severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has highlighted limitations to the ordinary provision of personal protective equipment (PPE). For perioperative healthcare workers, N95 masks provide a stark example of PPE in short supply necessitating the creation of scientifically valid protocols for their decontamination and reuse. We performed a systematic literature search of MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane CENTRAL databases, and to identify peer-reviewed articles related to N95 mask decontamination and subsequent testing for the integrity of mask filtration and facial seal. To expand this search, we additionally surveyed the official statements from key health agencies, organizations, and societies for relevant citations. Our initial database search resulted in five articles that met inclusion criteria, with 26 articles added from the expanded search. Our search did not reveal any relevant randomized clinical trials or cohort studies. We found that moist mask heating (65-80°C at 50-85% relative humidity for 20-30 min) and vaporous hydrogen peroxide treatment were supported by the literature to provide consistent viral decontamination without compromising mask seal and filtration efficiency. Other investigated decontamination methods lacked comprehensive scientific evidence for all three of these key criteria. N95 mask reprocessing using either moist heat or vaporous hydrogen peroxide is recommended to ensure healthcare worker safety. N95 mask reprocessing using either moist heat or vaporous hydrogen peroxide is recommended to ensure healthcare worker safety. There is a paucity of evidence evaluating whether intensive care unit (ICU) discharge occupancy is associated with clinical outcomes. It is unknown whether increased discharge occupancy leads to greater afterhours discharges and downstream consequences. We explore the association between ICU discharge occupancy and afterhours discharges, 72-hr readmission, and 30-day mortality. This single-centre, historical cohort study included all patients discharged from the Vancouver General Hospital ICU between 5 April 2010 and 13 September 2017. Data were obtained from the British Columbia Critical Care Database. Occupancy was defined as the number of ICU bed hours utilized divided by the available bed hours for that day. Any discharge between 2200 and 659 was considered afterhours. Logistic regression models adjusting for important covariates were constructed. We included 8,862 ICU discharges representing 7,288 individual patients. There were 1,180 (13.3%) afterhours discharges, 408 (4.6%) 72-hr readmissions, anadmission or 30-day mortality. Network interventions for HIV prevention represent a potential area for growth in a globalizing world, where persons are more easily connected to one another through social media and networking applications. The basic tenets of network interventions such as (1) selection of a change agent, (2) segmentation, (3) induction, and (4) alteration represent myriad ways to structure network interventions for HIV prevention with the potential for large public health impact. Recent studies have employed the use of social networking websites such as Facebook to identify key persons to recruit others and disseminate information aimed at decreasing HIV transmission and improving safe sex practices among groups who are more vulnerable to HIV acquisition. Many of these interventions have successfully decreased HIV risk behaviors as well as decreased the spread of HIV among intervention cohorts. Network interventions for HIV prevention provide more opportunities to reach populations who have not been reached through typical efforts employed in clinical and public health settings, though they are not currently widely employed by the public health community and other stakeholders. Recent studies have employed the use of social networking websites such as Facebook to identify key persons to recruit others and disseminate information aimed at decreasing HIV transmission and improving safe sex practices among groups who are more vulnerable to HIV acquisition. Many of these interventions have successfully decreased HIV risk behaviors as well as decreased the spread of HIV among intervention cohorts. Network interventions for HIV prevention provide more opportunities to reach populations who have not been reached through typical efforts employed in clinical and public health settings, though they are not currently widely employed by the public health community and other stakeholders.Invasions of water bodies by floating vegetation, including water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), are a huge global problem for fisheries, hydropower generation, and transportation. We analyzed floating plant coverage on 20 reservoirs across the world's tropics and subtropics, using > 30 year time-series of LANDSAT remote-sensing imagery. Despite decades of costly weed control, floating invasion severity is increasing. Floating plant coverage correlates with expanding urban land cover in catchments, implicating urban nutrient sources as plausible drivers. Floating vegetation invasions have undeniable societal costs, but also provide benefits. Water hyacinths efficiently absorb nutrients from eutrophic waters, mitigating nutrient pollution problems. When washed up on shores, plants may become compost, increasing soil fertility. The biomass is increasingly used as a renewable biofuel. We propose a more nuanced perspective on these invasions moving away from futile eradication attempts towards an ecosystem management strategy that minimizes negative impacts while integrating potential social and environmental benefits.