day functioning in fostering extracurricular activities may be effective in delaying the onset of dementia.Berberine is a promising botanical pesticide against fungal plant pathogens. However, whether berberine inhibits the invasion of fungal pathogen across plant surface remains unclear. Here we demonstrated that the enzyme activities of purified cutinase from fungal pathogen Colletotrichum capsici were partially inhibited in presence of berberine toward different substrates. Molecular dynamics simulation results suggested the rigidity of cutinase was decreased with berberine added into the system. Interestingly, aggregations of berberine to the catalytic center of cutinase were observed, and stronger hydrophobic interactions were detected between key residue His 208 and berberine with concentrations of berberine increased. More importantly, this hydrophobic interaction conferred conformational change of the imidazole ring of His 208, which swung out of the catalytic center to an inactive mode. In summary, we provided the molecular mechanism of the effect of berberine on cutinase from C. capsici. Viruses are the most frequent cause of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) in children. It is currently unknown whether presence of a virus, the number of viruses, or type of virus, are associated with clinical outcomes of pediatric SARI in developing countries. Between 2012 and 2014 nasopharyngeal swabs and demographic and clinical variables were prospectively collected for surveillance of viral causes of SARI in Surinamese children within 48 hours after hospitalization. These swabs were tested for 18 respiratory viruses using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) panel to identify the specific viral causes of SARI, unknown to the treating physicians. In post hoc analyses we evaluated if the PCR results, and demographic and clinical characteristics, were associated with course of disease, duration of respiratory support, and length of stay (LOS). Of a total of 316 analyzed children, 290 (92%) had one or more viruses. Rhinovirus/enterovirus (43%) and respiratory syncytial virus (34%) were moruses, such as influenza, in specific patient groups or during outbreaks.The aim of this study was to examine the effect of long-term locking plate fixation on the cortical bone of the canine radius. Locking compression plates were fixed to the left and right radius in dogs (n = 3). The left radius was fixed with a locking head screw (Locking Plate group, LP). The locking compression plate was compressed periosteally in the right radius using a cortex screw (Compression Plate group, CP). Radial bones from dogs that were euthanized for other purposes were collected as an untreated control group (Control group). After euthanasia at 36 weeks following plate fixation, radial bones were evaluated for bone mineral density and underwent histological analysis. Bone metabolic markers were analyzed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Statistical analyses were performed for comparisons between groups. The LP group showed no significant difference in bone mineral density after plate fixation, whereas the CP group showed significantly lower bone mineral density. Histological analysis indicated that the number of osteoclasts and rate of empty lacunae increased significantly in the CP group relative to the Control and LP groups. qPCR analysis indicated increased expression of inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 11 in the CP group, whereas Runt-related transcription factor 2, an osteoblast marker, was similar in all groups. The expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in the CP group was also increased relative to that in the Control and LP groups. Thus, locking plate fixation is a biologically superior fixation method that does not cause implant-induced osteoporosis in the bone in the long term.Inherent uncertainties in demand and supply make it problematic for supply chains to accomplish optimum inventory replenishment, resulting in loss of sales or keeping excessive inventories. To cope with erratic demands, organizations have to maintain excessive inventory levels, sometimes taking up to one-third of an organization's annual budget. The two most pressing concerns to handle in inventory management are how much to order and when to order. Therefore, an organization ought to make the correct and timely decisions based on precise demand information to avoid excessive inventory accumulation resulting in enhanced competitive advantage. Owing to the significance of inventory control and analysis, this paper reports on developing and successfully implementing a hybrid framework for optimum level inventory forecasting in Technical Services Organizations. The proposed framework is based on a case study of one of Pakistan's leading Technical Services Organization. The paper presents a statistical analysis o to contribute to the inventory management literature in three ways. First, a new comparative analysis matrix concept for identifying the most critical items is introduced. Second, a Multi-Criteria Forecasting Model is developed to capture a wide range of operations. Third, the paper suggests how these forecasting criteria can be integrated into a single interactive DSS to maintain optimum inventory level stock. Even though the DSS framework is based on data from a single organization, the application is expected to manage inventory stock in a wide range of manufacturing and services industries. This study's proposed hybrid framework is the first of its kind that encapsulates all four dimensions of inventory classification criteria, forming a multi-criteria hybrid model within a DSS framework.Assessment of resource partitioning in pollinators at a particular place can be used to conserve plant communities by minimizing their inter-specific competition. Current study was conducted to investigate the occurrence of this phenomenon among plant communities under sub-tropical conditions for the first time in Pakistan. We considered the entire available flowering plant and floral visitor communities in the study area-Lal Suhanra forest of Bahawalpur, Pakistan- along with different variations among them based on morphology, color and symmetry (functional groups) i.e. four functional groups among insects and nine among plants. Weekly floral visitor censuses were conducted during spring season -from the first week of March to the fourth week of May 2018. Thirty individuals of each plant species -in bloom- were observed for floral visitors in each census. Plant species with different floral shapes, colors and symmetry did not show any significant resource partitioning. The Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis followed by one-way ANOSIM test showed non- significant differences among all the pair of floral shapes, colors (except white and yellow) and symmetry (R-value less then 0.