Flexible metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) hold great promise as smart materials for specific applications such as gas separation. These materials undergo interesting structural changes in response to guest molecules, which is often associated with unique adsorption behavior not possible for rigid MOFs. Understanding the dynamic behavior of flexible MOFs is crucial yet challenging as it involves weak host-guest interactions and subtle structural transformation not only at the atomic/molecular level but also in a nonsteady state. We report here an in-depth study on the adsorbate- and temperature-dependent adsorption in a flexible MOF by crystallizing atomic gases into its pores. Mn(ina)2 shows an interesting temperature-dependent response toward noble gases. Its nonmonotonic, temperature-dependent adsorption profile results in an uptake maximum at a temperature threshold, a phenomenon that is unusual. Full characterization of Xe-loaded MOF structures is performed by in situ single-crystal and synchrotron X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, and molecular modeling. The X-ray diffraction analysis offers a detailed explanation into the dynamic structural transformation and provides a convincing rationalization of the unique adsorption behavior at the molecular scale. The guest and temperature dependence of the structural breathing gives rise to an intriguing reverse of Xe/Kr adsorption selectivity as a function of temperature. The presented work may provide further understanding of the adsorption behavior of noble gases in flexible MOF structures.The efficiency of photoinduced charge separation (CS) in electron donor-acceptor compounds is commonly limited due to fast deactivation processes, such as the excited-state internal conversion and ultrafast hot reverse electron transfer to the acceptor, charge recombination (CR). A traditional way to avoid undesired energy losses due to CR is to put the reverse electron transfer into the Marcus inverted region, thus effectively suppressing it. This method, however, is not generally applicable when considering CS from the second locally excited state because the driving force of CR to the first excited state is small, and thus charge recombination is ultrafast and efficient. In this paper, we study the kinetic features of CS/CR from the second locally excited state of the donor using a semiclassical stochastic model of electron transfer. Particular attention is paid to the CS efficiency as well as the influence of the polar environment and intramolecular high-frequency vibrational modes on the kinetics of the charge-separated state. The influence of a number of model parameters on the CS yield and the energy efficiency has been analyzed using the results of numerical simulations. Several simple practical recipes for creating molecular compounds with high CS yields have been suggested. Simulations have also revealed a strong and non-monotonous (double-humped) dependence of both the yield and energy efficiency of CS on the driving force.A hexacationic cage 36+ was synthesized via hydrazone condensation in aqueous acid. https://www.selleckchem.com/HIF.html Cage 36+ bears three biscationic arms, each of which contains four relatively acidic protons, including one NH and three CH protons. These hydrogen bond donors, as well as its intrinsic cationic nature, enable cage 36+ to encapsulate two anions concurrently within its cavity. The axial asymmetrical nature of the biscationic arms allow the cage to recognize two different anions in a selective manner, to encompass bound heteroanion dimers, such as Cl-·NO3- and Cl-·Br-. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses reveal that in the solid state the two anions are constrained in ultraclose proximity within the cage; e.g., the Cl-···Cl- and Cl-···Br- distances are 3.2 and 2.9 Å, respectively, which are shorter than the sum of their van der Waals radii. Evidence consistent with the sequential binding of two identical or disparate anions in CD3CN is also presented.Influenza A virus (IAV) is a highly contagious human pathogen that is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths each year. Non-structural protein 1 (NS1) is a crucial protein expressed by IAV to evade the host immune system. Additionally, NS1 has been proposed to stimulate translation because of its ability to bind poly(A) binding protein 1 (PABP1) and eukaryotic initiation factor 4G. We analyzed the interaction of NS1 with PABP1 using quantitative techniques. Our studies show that NS1 binds as a homodimer to PABP1, and this interaction is conserved across different IAV strains. Unexpectedly, NS1 does not bind to PABP1 that is bound to poly(A) RNA. Instead, NS1 binds only to PABP1 free of RNA, suggesting that stimulation of translation does not occur by NS1 interacting with the PABP1 molecule attached to the mRNA 3'-poly(A) tail. These results suggest that the function of the NS1·PABP1 complex appears to be distinct from the classical role of PABP1 in translation initiation, when it is bound to the 3'-poly(A) tail of mRNA.Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out with a view to investigating the stability of the SARS-CoV-2 exterior membrane with respect to two common disinfectants, namely, aqueous solutions of ethanol and n-propanol. We used dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) as a model membrane material and did simulations on both gel and liquid crystalline phases of membrane surrounded by aqueous solutions of varying alcohol concentrations (up to 17.5 mol %). While a moderate effect of alcohol on the gel phase of membrane is observed, its liquid crystalline phase is shown to be influenced dramatically by either alcohol. Our results show that aqueous solutions of only 5 and 10 mol % alcohol already have significant weakening effects on the membrane. The effects of n-propanol are always stronger than those of ethanol. The membrane changes its structure, when exposed to disinfectant solutions; uptake of alcohol causes it to swell laterally but to shrink vertically. At the same time, the orientational ordn above 15 mol %, we reliably observe disintegration of the DPPC membrane in its liquid crystalline phase.