The possible resistance to tocilizumab should be known. We report here the first case of severe cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis in a patient suffering from TAFRO syndrome. The possible resistance to tocilizumab should be known.Paraganglioma is a rare tumor arising from paraganglia. Few reports have described paragangliomas in the superior mediastinum. We report a case of superior mediastinal paraganglioma treated in our department. A 28-year-old woman visited our department because of suspected mediastinal tumor during a medical checkup. Contrast-enhanced CT showed a 39 × 35 × 65-mm tumor with a well-defined border extending from the lower pole of the left thyroid gland to the superior mediastinum. Laboratory tests showed no evidence of catecholamine overproduction. Mediastinal thyroid goiter was the most suspected preoperative diagnosis. We decided to perform a transcervical excision for both diagnosis and treatment. The tumor was easily detached from the lower pole of the left thyroid gland and was not continuous. The tumor capsule was brittle and bled easily. The operating time was 3 h and 11 min, and the amount of bleeding was 571 mL. The pathological diagnosis was paraganglioma. Paragangliomas are characterized by abundant blood flow and are likely to result in a high intraoperative bleeding volume. In addition, if the tumor is functional, circulatory abnormalities can occur during the perioperative period. Accurate preoperative diagnoses are important, and the possibility that paragangliomas can develop in the superior mediastinum should be considered.The parenteral administration of protein therapeutics is increasingly gaining importance for the treatment of human diseases. However, the presence of practically impermeable blood-brain barriers greatly restricts access of such pharmaceutics to the brain. Treating brain disorders with proteins thus remains a great challenge, and the slow clinical translation of these therapeutics may be largely ascribed to the lack of appropriate brain delivery system. Exploring new approaches to deliver proteins to the brain by circumventing physiological barriers is thus of great interest. Moreover, parallel advances in the molecular neurosciences are important for better characterizing blood-brain interfaces, particularly under different pathological conditions (e.g., stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease). This review presents the current state of knowledge of the structure and the function of the main physiological barriers of the brain, the mechanisms of transport across these interfaces, as well as alterations to these concomitant with brain disorders. Further, the different strategies to promote protein delivery into the brain are presented, including the use of molecular Trojan horses, the formulation of nanosystems conjugated/loaded with proteins, protein-engineering technologies, the conjugation of proteins to polymers, and the modulation of intercellular junctions. Additionally, therapeutic approaches for brain diseases that do not involve targeting to the brain are presented (i.e., sink and scavenging mechanisms).As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, more information on the nonrespiratory effects of the coronavirus is obtained. Cardiovascular complications, especially acute coronary syndromes, are rare. However, they prove to be effective factors in the mortality rate of COVID-19 subjects. Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction with a special angiographic pattern in the form of extensive and multivessel thrombosis, regardless of atherosclerotic plaques, has posed a new therapeutic challenge. This has been associated with an increase in the incidence of stent thrombosis. Hypercoagulation, due to severe inflammation, is the main pathology of this phenomenon. Technically, percutaneous coronary intervention with aspiration thrombectomy and injectable antiplatelet are the mainstay of treatment for these patients. In addition, it is vital that appropriate antiplatelet and ischemia treatment after the intervention be taken into account.Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes, and treatment strategies that impact cardiovascular (CV) outcomes in this population is an area of growing interest. Pharmacologic agents that reduce CVD risk have been developed, and data supporting their use have grown extensively. Glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors when added to metformin therapy provide the most CV benefit and should be considered in most patients. Data available suggest that sulfonylureas should be avoided in patients at risk for CVD and if a thiazolidinedione is utilized, pioglitazone may be preferred. When selecting an agent, the potential benefit, risk, and cost of each agent should be considered prior to initiation. The purpose of this review is to summarize the literature surrounding the CV effects of antidiabetic agents and to provide practical guidance on their use in patients with type 2 diabetes and CVD. . In a biopsy-proven adult celiac disease (CeD) cohort from the Netherlands, male patients were diagnosed with CeD at significantly older ages than female patients. To identify which factors contribute to diagnosis later in life and whether diagnostic delay influences improvement of symptoms after starting a gluten-free diet (GFD). . We performed a questionnaire study in 211 CeD patients (67144, malefemale) with median age at diagnosis of 41.8 years (interquartile range 25-58) and at least Marsh 2 histology. . Classical symptoms (diarrhea, fatigue, abdominal pain and/or weight loss) were more frequent in women than men, but sex was not significantly associated with age at diagnosis. In a multivariate analysis, a non-classical presentation (without any classical symptoms) and a negative family history of CeD were significant predictors of older age at diagnosis (coefficients of 8 and 12 years, respectively). A delay of >3 years between first symptom and diagnosis was associated with slower improvement of symptoms after start of GFD, but not with sex, presentation of classical symptoms or age at diagnosis. . Non-classical CeD presentation is more prevalent in men and is associated with a diagnosis of CeD later in life. Recognizing CeD sooner after onset of symptoms is important because a long diagnostic delay is associated with a slower improvement of symptoms after starting a GFD. . Non-classical CeD presentation is more prevalent in men and is associated with a diagnosis of CeD later in life. Recognizing CeD sooner after onset of symptoms is important because a long diagnostic delay is associated with a slower improvement of symptoms after starting a GFD.