The present study aimed to describe the perinatal outcomes of newborns of mothers with 2019 coronavirus infection identified before delivery in a level III hospital in Peru. Sociodemographic variables, obstetric complications, and neonatal morbidities were evaluated in the births that occurred between April 1 and June 30, 2020, at the National Maternal Perinatal Institute of Peru. 43 newborns were registered 93% came from asymptomatic mothers, the most frequent obstetric complications were premature rupture of membranes (18.6%) and pre-eclampsia (11.6%), 65.1% of the births were vaginally, only one of the newborns had a positive result to RT-PCR for COVID-19, the comorbidities of the newborns were prematurity (11.3%) and low birth weight (9.3%); four were admitted to intermediate care and two to intensive care. It is concluded that 2.4% of newborns born to mothers with COVID-19 presented positive molecular test of RT-PCR, 14% of newborns presented morbidity as prematurity, low birth weight, sepsis and pneumonia that required ventilation. Neonatal morbidity was found in newborns whose RT-PCR test was negative for COVID-19. The objective of the study was to describe the geographical coverage of Latin American and Caribbean scientific publications on tuberculosis and its international collaboration. The records were retrieved from the PubMed database (2009-2018), limiting the search to Latin American and Caribbean countries. Articles were analyzed in several categories, such as the total number, countries, institutions, authors, collaborations, and citations. The software UCINET and VOSviewer were used. 2,495 items were recovered, 4.2% of world production. More than half of the research came from Brazil (52.5%), Mexico (16.6%) and Peru (10.5%). 97.6% of the production is co-authored, with a rate of international collaboration of 24.5%. The countries with the highest production in international collaboration are Brazil (39.1%), Peru (26.8%) and Mexico (16%); they are also the countries with the best OutDegree, OutCloseness and Betweenness. The United States (11.9%), United Kingdom (5.8%), France (2.1%), Spain and Switzerland (1.7%), South Africa (1.7%) and Italy (1.6%) are the main collaborators with Latin America. Brazil, together with Peru and Mexico, is the undisputed leader in Latin American and Caribbean tuberculosis production, due to the volume of articles and its position in the collaborative network. The eradication of tuberculosis requires continuing research in international collaboration, to carry out more effective health policies on tuberculosis. Brazil, together with Peru and Mexico, is the undisputed leader in Latin American and Caribbean tuberculosis production, due to the volume of articles and its position in the collaborative network. The eradication of tuberculosis requires continuing research in international collaboration, to carry out more effective health policies on tuberculosis. To evaluate the effect of educational videos to improve the practical skills and knowledge of stroke patients' informal caregivers. Pretest/posttest study. The participants were 10 caregivers aged 18 to 65 years and of both sexes of patients in the subacute phase of stroke. We developed eight educational videos related to positioning, mobilizations and transfers, which were implemented in the caregivers' and/or patients' homes along three days (on the first day, three videos; second day, three videos; and third day, two videos). Each video was viewed on a tablet for 30 minutes. We evaluated skills and knowledge before and after each video, and finally, the caregivers' satisfaction. We used three instruments, a checklist to assess practical skills, a questionnaire to assess knowledge, and another for satisfaction. The practical skills score increased from 21,6 to 56,1 points (p <0,001) and knowledge from 11,6 to 21,6 points (p <0,001). 7/10 of the caregivers were very satisfied with the videos, 7/10 considered the words easy, 7/10 considered easy to put the indications into practice, 9/10 would definitely recommend the videos, and everyone considered them useful. Educational videos improve the practical skills and knowledge of stroke informal caregivers. Developed educational videos could be successful in training caregivers on the management of these patients. Educational videos improve the practical skills and knowledge of stroke informal caregivers. Developed educational videos could be successful in training caregivers on the management of these patients. To identify risk factors to pre-surgical complications in patients with cystic echinococcosis (CE) in endemic areas of Peru. Study of cases (n=43) and controls (n=127) not paired was designed, with a case-control ratio of 13 based on a secondary source. The case was defined as the patient with CE who presented with pre-surgical complications related or not with the disease and the control without pre-surgical complication. The response variable was preoperative complication and the exposition ones were age, gender, degree of instruction, occupation, number, size (diameter in centimeters) and location of the cyst. To identify the risk factors, a bivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to obtain the crude odds ratios (cOR) and then the variables with significant association were adjusted by a multivariate logistic regression analysis using the Stata® version 14 software, obtaining theadjusted odds ratios (aOR). Fifty eight point eight percent (24/43) of the cases were women and the median age was 35 years and 59.1% (75/127) of the controls correspond to the female gender and the median age was 27 years. The multivariate logistic regression analysis found that being over 56 years old has an aOR 2.91 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.007-8.433) and having ≥3 cysts has an aOR 4.26 (95% CI 1.62-11.22) for present pre-surgical complications in patients with CE. It was identified that being over 56 years old and having ≥3 cysts are risk factors for presenting pre-surgical complications in CE. It was identified that being over 56 years old and having ≥3 cysts are risk factors for presenting pre-surgical complications in CE.