Monitoring of thyroglobulin (Tg) changes after initial thyroidectomy and preablation-stimulated Tg (psTg) level were significantly associated with 5-year OS rate (P = 0.007 and P = 0.005, respectively). The presence of radioactive-refractory DTC (RR-DTC), monitoring of Tg changes after initial thyroidectomy, and psTg level had significant effects on 10-year OS rate (P = 0.002, P  less then  0.001, and P = 0.005, respectively). Lack of monitoring of Tg changes after initial thyroidectomy and RR-DTC were independent factors associated with poor prognosis (P = 0.003 and P = 0.008, respectively). CONCLUSIONS MI-FTC, FT-UMP, and WDT-UMP tended to be ignored and/or misdiagnosed as benign follicular lesions. Lack of monitoring of Tg changes after initial thyroidectomy and the presence of RR-DTC were identified as independent factors associated with poor survival.Cotton fibers are initiated from the epidermal cells of the ovule before or on the day of anthesis. Gossypium arboreum SMA-4 mutant contains recessive mutation (sma-4(ha)) and has the phenotypes of fibreless seeds and glabrous stems. In this study, fine mapping and alternative splicing analysis indicated a nucleotide substitution (AG → AC) at splicing site in a homeodomain-leucine zipper IV family gene (GaHD1) might cause gene A3S (Alternative 3' splicing) mistake, suggested that GaHD1 was the candidate gene of sma-4(ha). Many genes related to the fiber initiation are identified to be differentially expressed in the mutant which could result in the blocked fiber initiation signals such as H2O2, or Ca in the mutant. Further comparative physiological analysis of H2O2 production and Ca2+ flux in the SMA-4 and wide type cotton confirmed that H2O2 and Ca were important fiber initiation signals and regulated by GaHD1. The in vitro ovule culture of the mutant with hormones recovered the fibered phenotype coupled with the restoration of these signals. Overexpressing of GaHD1 in Arabidopsis increased trichome densities on the sepal, leaf, and stem tissues while transient silencing of the GaHD1 gene in G. arboreum reduced the trichome densities. These phenotypes indicated that GaHD1 is the candidate gene of SMA-4 with a crucial role in acting upstream molecular switch of signal transductions for cotton trichome and fiber initiations.In photosynthesis research, non-invasive in vivo spectroscopic analyses have been used as a practical tool for studying photosynthetic electron transport. Klas-NIR spectrophotometer has been recently developed by Klughammer and Schreiber (Photosynth Res 128195-214, 2016) for in vivo measurements of redox changes of P700, plastocyanin (Pcy) and ferredoxin (Fd). Here we show examples using the Klas-NIR spectrophotometer for the evaluation of the redox states and quantities of these components in plant leaves and cyanobacterial suspensions. The redox poise under light of the electron transport components is different in leaves from higher plants compared with cyanobacteria. During a short illumination with an actinic light, P700, Pcy, and Fd are kept reduced in barley leaves but are oxidized in cyanobacteria. During far-red light illumination, P700 and Pcy are mostly oxidized in the leaves but are partially kept reduced in cyanobacteria. In the cyanobacterium, Thermosynechococcus elongatus, which has no Pcy but uses cytochrome c6 (cyt c6) as the electron donor to photosystem I, a cyt c6 signal was detected in vivo. To show the potential of Klas-NIR spectrophotometer for studying different developmental stages of a leaf, we performed measurements on fully mature and early senescing barley leaves. Pcy content in leaves decreased during senescence at an early stage. The Pcy loss was quantitatively analyzed using Klas-NIR spectrophotometer, giving absolute ratios of Pcy to PSI of 2.5 and 1.6 in younger and older leaves, respectively. For quantification of the signals in vivo, in vitro data (Sétif et al. in Photosynth Res142307-319, 2019) obtained with Klas-NIR spectrophotometer were used.The original version of this paper has unfortunately published with some errors which are corrected by publishing this Correction article.Burnout among behavioral health care providers and employees is associated with poor patient and provider outcomes. Leadership style has generally been identified as a means of reducing burnout, yet it is unclear whether some leadership styles are more effective than others at mitigating burnout. Additionally, behavioral health care is provided in a variety of contexts and a leadership style employed in one context may not be effective in another. The purpose of this paper was to review the literature on leadership style and burnout in behavioral health care contexts to identify the different leadership styles and contexts in which the relationship between the two constructs was studied. Studies were categorized based on the leadership style, study design, research methods, and study context. Findings of this review provide insights into potential approaches to prevent employee burnout and its attending costs, as well as ways to improve future research in this critical area.The goal of this study is to investigate whether or not Turkish has a particular preference in ambiguity resolution of relative clause attachment when two possible NPs are available as in "Someone shot [NP1 the servant] of [NP2 the actress] [RC who was on the balcony]ˮ. The relevant literature has showed that RC attachment preferences-whether NP1 or NP2-vary across languages, which results in contradictory evidence if some universal processing principle is assumed. Turkish differs typologically from English and other European languages in the construction of RC using complex "genitive-possessor" construction. In order to make a valid cross-linguistic comparison it is therefore of particular importance to carefully control potential extraneous factors which might obstruct true attachment preferences-if they exist. The present study, which controls various confounding factors, reveals that both syntactic and non-syntactic factors should be taken into consideration when constructing the stimulus sentences for testing attachment ambiguity resolution.