Atomistic simulations based on the first-principles of quantum mechanics are reaching unprecedented length scales. This progress is due to the growth in computational power allied with the development of new methodologies that allow the treatment of electrons and nuclei as quantum particles. In the realm of materials science, where the quest for desirable emergent properties relies increasingly on soft weakly bonded materials, such methods have become indispensable. In this Perspective, an overview of simulation methods that are applicable for large system sizes and that can capture the quantum nature of electrons and nuclei in the adiabatic approximation is given. In addition, the remaining challenges are discussed, especially regarding the inclusion of nuclear quantum effects (NQEs) beyond a harmonic or perturbative treatment, the impact of NQEs on electronic properties of weakly bonded systems, and how different first-principles potential energy surfaces can change the impact of NQEs on the atomic structure and dynamics of weakly bonded systems.The anisotropy of molecular polarizability in liquid crystals is linked to the birefringence in these substances. The classic methods to compute the polarizabilities of liquid crystals assume an average number density of molecules that is equal in all directions. In the present work, a new model is proposed for the anisotropic molar polarization based on a virtual anisotropy of the number density of molecules in the liquid-crystalline material. This new strategy hence allows for the computation of both the anisotropic polarizabilities and the anisotropic thermal-expansion coefficients of liquid crystals. The model is applied to the liquid crystals 4-n-pentyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl and N-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-4-butylaniline, yielding polarizabilities similar to those reported for these materials. For these nematic liquid crystals, the results imply the existence of a positive thermal-expansion coefficient in the direction perpendicular to the director vector throughout the entire nematic temperature range and a negative thermal-expansion coefficient parallel to the director vector near the temperature of the nematic-isotropic transition. At the isotropization temperature, there exists divergent and critical behavior of the anisotropic thermal-expansion coefficients, consistent with the typical discontinuity of volume in first-order transitions.A Heisenberg uncertainty relation is derived for spatially-gated electric ΔE and magnetic ΔH field fluctuations. The uncertainty increases for small gating sizes, which implies that in confined spaces, the quantum nature of the electromagnetic field must be taken into account. Optimizing the state of light to minimize ΔE at the expense of ΔH and vice versa should be possible. Spatial confinements and quantum fields may alternatively be realized without gating by interaction of the field with a nanostructure. Possible applications include nonlinear spectroscopy of nanostructures and optical cavities and chiral signals.Magnesium and calcium play an essential role in the folding and function of nucleic acids. To correctly describe their interactions with DNA and RNA in biomolecular simulations, an accurate parameterization is crucial. In most cases, the ion parameters are optimized based on a set of experimental solution properties such as solvation free energies, radial distribution functions, water exchange rates, and activity coefficient derivatives. However, the transferability of such bulk-optimized ion parameters to quantitatively describe biomolecular systems is limited. Here, we extend the applicability of our previous bulk-optimized parameters by including experimental binding affinities toward the phosphate oxygen on nucleic acids. In particular, we systematically adjust the combination rules that are an integral part of the pairwise interaction potentials of classical force fields. This allows us to quantitatively describe specific ion binding to nucleic acids without changing the solution properties in the most simple and efficient way. We show the advancement of the optimized Lorentz combination rule for two representative nucleic acid systems. For double-stranded DNA, the optimized combination rule for Ca2+ significantly improves the agreement with experiments, while the standard combination rule leads to unrealistically distorted DNA structures. For the add A-riboswitch, the optimized combination rule for Mg2+ improves the structure of two specifically bound Mg2+ ions as judged by the experimental distance to the binding site. Including experimental binding affinities toward specific ion binding sites on biomolecules, therefore, provides a promising perspective to develop a more accurate description of metal cations for biomolecular simulations.Single-atom alloys (SAAs) have recently gained considerable attention in the field of heterogeneous catalysis research due to their potential for novel catalytic properties. While SAAs are often examined in reactions of reductive atmospheres, such as hydrogenation reactions, in the present work, we change the focus to AgPd SAAs in oxidative environments since Pd has the highest catalytic activity of all metals for oxidative reactions. Here, we examine how the chemical reactivity of AgPd SAAs differs from its constituent Pd in an oxidative atmosphere. For this purpose, electronic structure changes in an Ag0.98Pd0.02 SAA foil in 1 mbar of O2 were studied by in situ x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and compared with the electronic structure of a Pd foil under the same conditions. When heated in an oxidative atmosphere, Pd in Ag0.98Pd0.02 partly oxidizes and forms a metastable PdOx surface oxide. By using a peak area modeling procedure, we conclude that PdOx on Ag0.98Pd0.02 is present as thin, possibly monolayer thick, PdOx islands on the surface. In comparison to the PdO formed on the Pd foil, the PdOx formed on AgPd is substantially less thermodynamically stable, decomposing at temperatures about 270 °C lower than the native oxide on Pd. Such behavior is an interesting property of oxides formed on dilute alloys, which could be potentially utilized in catalytic oxidative reactions such as methane oxidation.